

Oceľ východu ARCHIVE

The Oceľ východu (Steel of the East) internal newspaper has been published since 1960. The X-App Košice is a follower of this medium.

505-528 of 1057 results

Winter Universiade of the Slovak Republic 2016

Already the 4th edition of the top sporting event with a rich worldwide tradition – Winter Universiade 2016 of the Slovak Republic was officially inaugurated at noon on Monday February 15 at Aula Maxima of the Technical University in Košice.

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Have you visited the new website?

The new website of U. S. Steel Košice not only has a more modern look, it also has the ambition to present more up-to-date content. Maybe you have already seen this for yourself, if you have visited the website recently.

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Benefits exceed expectations

Since launching the initiative aimed at innovating our products and production processes, one year has passed already. Four teams focusing on innovation in the areas of automotive industry, packaging material, ...

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Uncommon hobbies of Mr. Andrej Demko

Mr. Andrej Demko, an engineering-technical services design and construction specialist (ITES), has an uncommon hobby among the steelmakers. He is fascinated with artistic reading of poetry and prose, singing ...

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Healthy workplaces for all age categories

The contribution from U. S. Steel Košice entitled “Stress-free workplace = approaching the zero injury objective”, for which we have been given a “Good practice award” in the campaign of the European Occupational Safety ...

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Let us help them to help

Everyone of us can endeavor to benefit others, support the implementation of public welfare projects, development of the health care system, sporting, cultural, humanitarian, and educational activities....

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Rigorous Assesment of Risks Needed

On the day of an important conference on Market Economy Status for China (MES) in the European Parliament (EP), which was held on January 12, the European Steel Association (EUROFER) calls for policy makers to...

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Successful Carnegie Way results in 2015

The Carnegie Way transformation process produced very successful results in the year 2015. In the area of Safety, all three key indicators were achieved. The annual value of overall injury frequency was reduced to 0.14 ...

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Voluntary redundancy conditions agreed

Representatives of USSK employees and management yesterday signed Addendum No.6 to the Collective Agreement for the period 2012 – 2014, specifying the conditions for the award of a one-off compensation ...

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New Microscope for Researchers

The researchers in USSE R&D can now rely on a new assisting device, which they have had for over a month already. This refers to a Czech-manufactured scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the VEGA3 type.

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505-528 of 1057 results


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