



Established by U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. to support community activities



Nadácia U. S. Steel Košice

The Nadácia U. S. Steel Košice Foundation was established on December 9, 2002 and two days later it was incorporated in the Registry of Foundations administered by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic under Number 203/Na-2002/695.

The Foundation was established by U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. to support community activities in the following areas:

  • health protection and promotion
  • physical culture and sports promotion and development
  • provision of social and humanitarian aid
  • preservation of cultural values
  • promotion of education and the educational system
  • human rights protection
  • protection and development of the environment and preservation of natural values
  • promotion of science and research
  • organizing and sharing volunteering activities
  • supporting retirees - former employees of U. S. Steel Košice

Mission of the Foundation

The intention of Foundation projects is constantly to promote public services in the areas of education and health, financially support science, culture and charity programs through the Foundation´s programs, to continue with talented children and youth support, namely by financial or material gifts aimed at the educational process and improvement of living conditions.

The Foundation will go on focusing primarily on assistance and support for those who are directly dependent upon it, particularly on children in foster homes, disabled people, USSK employees in difficult life situations, as well as organizations and clubs aimed at social and charitable activities that are beneficial to our community.

The Foundation will deal with humanitarian aid for individuals and groups who are affected by natural disasters or whose lives are at risk, as well as with protection and development of the environment and preservation of natural values.



Donations and contributions can be provided to the Foundation by:

  • legal entities registered in the Commercial Register in Slovakia and abroad
  • natural persons in the Slovak Republic and abroad

Who can apply for a contribution from the Foundation?

  • natural persons
  • legal entities whose activity relates to the public benefit purpose of the Foundation


Funds of the Foundation will be used only in compliance with the public services purpose and for payment of expenses (costs) of the Foundation administration with the following conditions: the amount of expenses (costs) of the Foundation administration is determined by the Board of Directors on an annual basis to the extent necessary to ensure the Foundation continues working until December 15th of the subsequent calendar year.


2023 2022  2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015  2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008



In the Košice Children's Faculty Hospital, they presented a donation to the U.S. Steel Košice Foundation

Treatment and care of children in the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Medicine and ENT at the Children's Faculty Hospital in Košice is once again a bit faster and of better quality. Thanks to a donation of 265,000 euros by the U.S. Steel Košice Foundation, a whole range of new examination instruments and devices were added to this health facility with regional scope, which on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, were ceremonially handed over to the nursing staff by Jim Bruno, the president of the Košice steel plant, in the presence of DFN director Andrej Koman.
More in the article: It is better to give than to receive

Renovated beds in the geriatrics

On Friday, October 27, 2023, in the Specialized Geriatric Institute of St. Lukáša in Košice inaugurated the reconstructed 5th floor.
More in the article: Symbolic check for Geriatrics Institute



In the course of 2023, the USSK Foundation supported 56 projects to improve the quality of the teaching process in this area, of which it awarded 52 scholarships. The financial resources provided amounted to a total of 103,200 euros.
K 13 - Košice cultural centers used a financial donation of 10,000 euros to restore and modernize the Steel Park exhibition.
Educational, scientific and research institute AGEL n.o., Košice, also thanks to a donation worth 6,000 euros, organized two professional scientific events - IX. Central European Burn Congress and XXIII. The annual conference of the burn medicine society, which took place in Košice.


This is intended for supporting the higher education studies of talented children of U. S. Steel employees as well as talented students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds studying at technical colleges and universities. The program promotes students who, in addition to their studies, are engaged in various social support activities, and at the same time this motivates high school students to achieve better study results, since their inclusion in the program also depends on their achievements.


In 2023, the USSK Foundation supported 16 projects of social, humanitarian and charitable organizations in the Košice and Prešov regions in the total amount of 54,220 euros.

The Tree of Wishes project had a long-standing tradition in this area, which tries to fulfill the wishes of children from orphanages and children from the families of U.S. Steel Košice employees who found themselves in a difficult situation - long-term illness, death of one of their parents.

Through the project We are with you at the right time, the foundation has been helping employees of U.S. Steel Košice and its subsidiaries who have found themselves in a difficult life situation since 2012. Her effort is to help families with minor children to experience better and more beautiful moments, to regenerate mentally and to acquire new experiences and friendly contacts. During the 11 years of the project, the USSK Foundation helped 128 families. In 2023, eleven families in the total amount of 22,000 euros.

The financial donation of the foundation in the amount of 10,000 euros was used by the Slovak Red Cross, the Košice-Mesto Territorial Association to purchase a baby resuscitation dummy with a tablet, promotional materials for volunteers, first aid books for schools, t-shirts and uniforms for volunteers, medical material for first aid backpacks , material and technical equipment for the kitchen and canteen, and physical equipment for physiotherapy for disabled children and young adults.


In the field of sports, the USSK Foundation supported 7 projects of various entities in 2023, in the total amount of 77,982.36 euros.
Among them were the organization Crazy WoMan Active Planet from Banská Bystrica, thanks to a financial donation, organized three races - the ISMF Veterans World Championships in ski mountaineering, the Slovak Cup in ski mountaineering and the Mediskialp.
ENDURO KLUBU TEPLIČANY from Družstevná pri Hornád was helped by a financial donation for the organization of the TRAIL RUN cross-country race.

In this area, the foundation also focuses on the Your Chance to Play grant program.
The program focuses on supporting children whose families do not have enough financial resources to finance their sports activities. Currently, we also give young talented athletes from among the children of employees of U.S. Steel Košice and its subsidiary more opportunities, namely in selected sports. Priority includes hockey, basketball, football, or other sports.
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We protected the children's railway

Protective tarpaulins protect historic carriages and passengers. We supported the Košice Children's Historic Railway with a grant from the Together for the Region program.

N A D Á C I A  U.  S.  S T E E L  K O Š I C E



Slávka Tvrdoňová

Foundation Administrator

    +421 55 673 4915



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