



Chemical, physical and mechanical tests and metallography




The GM unit for testing laboratories (until 1/1/2023 as a subsidiary of U.S. Steel Košice - Labortest, s.r.o.) operates on the market in the field of performing chemical, physical and mechanical tests and metallography.
The activities of the laboratories meet the legislative prerequisites for granting accreditation within the Slovak National Accreditation Service, expand and improve services in the area of production quality assessment. The GM department for testing laboratories has an established quality management system according to STN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Individual laboratories and the mechanical test room are accredited within the framework of the Slovak National Accreditation Service, which means that the test results of the laboratories and the test room are fully accepted in the Slovak Republic and abroad.

TESTING LABORATORIES have been established in the following areas:

  • performing chemical analyses, tests, analyzes and determining the physical and mechanical properties of materials
  • advisory and consulting activities in the field of evaluation of metallic and non-metallic materials



Accreditation certificate No. S-024
Slovak National Accreditation Service - ISO/IEC 17025:2017 


Is competent to perform chemical and physical analyses of solid fuels (coal and coke), gases, waste, surface and underground waters, petroleum products and coke-oven chemicals products.
The accredited body gives evidence of competence to perform the accredited activity impartially and trustworthily by meeting the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard.

  • Solid fuels (coal, coke) – determination of total water, analytical water, ash, volatile mater, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur by IR absorption and determination of gross and net calorific value
  • Gases - determination of methane, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ethen, ethane and acetylene by GC chromatography
  • Waste waters – determination of pH by electrochemical method, cyanide and chemical oxygen demand (Cr) by photometric method, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) by GC MS chromatography
  • Waste andunderground waters – determination of ammonia by photometric method, determination of chlorides, fluorides, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and sulphates byIC chromatography
  • Underground water – determination of permanganate index by potentiometric titration

solid fuels:

  • Dilatometer test of hard coal, determination ofchlorine and phosphoruscontent in the solid mineral fuels,crucible swelling number of hard coal, volatile mater in the brown coal, test sieving of coal and relative degree of oxidation in bituminous coal

waste waters:

  • Determination of sulphides, tiokyanatanes, phenol index, biochemical oxygen demand after n days(BOD n), nitrate, phosphorus, ammonium, nitrite, chloride, dissolved substances, suspended solids, sulphate, free and total ammonium, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in waste water
  • Determination of organic and total nitrogen, hydrocarbons oil index in water
  • Determination of total content of iron, silicon oxide, conductivity andoxygen content in furnace water
  • Content determination (cyanide, ammonium, phenol, sulphate) in technological water of coke-oven gas desulfurization line


  • Analysis of ammonia, naphthalene,hydrogen sulphide and benzol losses in coke-oven gas
  • Content determination (ammonium, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide) in acid gas and waste gas of coke-oven gas desulfurization line

petroleum products, coke-oven chemicals products:

  • Determination of pour and flash point, cetane index in liquid fuels
  • Content of toluene-insoluble mater in tar and tar oils
  • Determination ofcarbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in tar
  • Chemical composition of tar by GC-MS chromatography
  • Determination of benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, xylem and naphthalene in benzol
  • Determination of benzene and toluene in operational wash oils
  • Determination of water, density, viscosity, sulfur, ash, acid number and mechanical impurities in oils
  • Petroleum substances in scale samples
  • Ethanol and ethyl glycol in resin
  • Purity of liquid sulfur (water, acid content, organic matter, ash) at of coke-oven gas desulfurization line
  • Technical sodium hydroxide analysis (sodium hydroxide content, total alkalinity, sodium carbonate content)


Accreditation certificate No. S-010
Slovak National Accreditation Service - ISO/IEC 17025:2017 


Is competent to carry out chemical and physical tests of surface-treated flat steel, zinc, tin, ground, surface and waste waters.

The accredited body gives evidence of competence to perform the accredited activity impartially and trustworthily by meeting the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard.  

  • Tin coating mass determination
  • Zinc coating mass determination
  • Tin impurities content determination (As,Al,Bi,Fe,Cu,Pb,Sb,Cd,Zn) by spark optical emission spectrometry
  • Zinc impurities content determination (Fe,Cu,Pb,Cd,Sn,Al,Si,Mg,Sb) by spark optical emission spectrometry
  • Determination of Fe, Zn,Cr in wastewaters / atomic absorption spectrometry with flame atomization
  • Hexavalent chrome (Cr6+) determination in waste water
  • Mercury (Hg) determination in ground, surface and waste water
  • Color difference test of coil coated metals
  • Gloss determination of coil coated metals
  • Adhesion after indentation (cupping test) of organic coated steel sheet. Erichsen test
  • Adhesion after cross-cut test of organic coated steel sheet. Cross-cut test.
  • Resistance of organic coating to cracking on bending. T-bend test
  • Resistance of organic coating against to organic solvents (rubbing test). MEK-test
  • Thickness of organic coating
  • Measurement of the magnetic properties (magnetic polarization, magnetic induction, factor of anisotropy, specific losses, factor of ageing, specific losses after ageing) on electrical steel sheet by Epstein frame.
  • Thickness of insulation layer on electrical steel sheet – Magnetic method
  • Thickness of insulation layer on electrical steel sheet – Beta backscatter method
  • Resistance of insulation layer on electrical steel sheet. Franklin test
  • Fracture by reverse bend test of electrical steel sheet
  • Surface roughness determination - parameters: Ra( Roughness average) and Pc (Peak count) ofzinc coated sheets
  • Analyses of pickling media and products
  • Analyses of tin, chromate, nickel and cooper electrolyte
  • Specific tests of sheets surface (passivation and oxidation film, surface carbon determination)
  • Analyses of degreasing and passivation solutions
  • Analyses of oils, emulsions, dioctylsebacat
  • Waste water analyses
  • Chemical analyses of metal materials (tin, zinc, steel, iron, aluminium, cooper, nickel, ferroalloys)
  • Chemical analyses ofinput materials (paints, acids, alkalis, salts, insulating materials, varnishes)
  • Mercury determination in steeland powder materials
  • Resistance of organic coating sheets in salt spray chamber


Accreditation certificate No. S-011
Slovak National Accreditation Service - ISO/IEC 17025:2017


Is competent to perform determination of elements in steel, aluminum and aluminum - alloys by method of atomic emission spectrometry, determination of oxygen, carbon and sulfur in steel and cast iron, determination of  carbon and sulfur in ferroalloys with  infrared absorption, determination of nitrogen in steel, cast iron of thermal conductivity,  determination of elements in oxidic raw materials, ferro-alloys and refractory materials by method  of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry,determination the  radionuclides 137 Cs,  60 Co, 232Th,  226Ra, and  40K activita in metallurgical materials by scintillation method, determination of elements in drinking, surface, ground and waste by method of optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma.
The accredited body gives evidence of competence to perform the accredited activity impartially and trustworthily by meeting the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard.

  • Chemical composition of low alloy steel byspark optical emission spectrometry
  • Chemical composition of cast iron byspark optical emission spectrometry
  • Chemical composition of aluminium and aluminium alloys by spark optical emission spectrometry
  • Determination of oxygen and nitrogen in steel by infrared absorption and thermal conductivity method
  • Determination of carbon and sulfur in steel, cast iron and ferroalloys by infrared absorption method
  • X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis of slag, iron ore materials, ferromanganese, ferrosilicon and refractory materials
  • Bulk density determination of refractory materials by the water method with vacuum
  • Measurement of radionuclide activities(137Cs and 60Co) in steel by scintillation method
  • Measurement of radionuclide activities(232Th, 226Ra, 40K) in metallurgical granular materials by scintillation method
  • Determination of selected elements in the water by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma
  • Chemical analysis of powder materials by optical emission spectrometry with inductive coupled plasma
  • Chemical analysis of converter slag, blast-furnace slag, sinter, iron-ore pellets, casting powders, lime, refractory products and raw materials by wet classical methods
  • Determination of loss by ignition, loss by drying, bulk density, absorbability, apparent and true porosity of ceramic and refractory materials
  • Thermal and mechanical tests of refractory products – cold crushing strength, modulus of rupture at ambient temperature, modulus of rapture at elevated temperature, refractoriness (pyrometric cone equivalent), refractoriness-under-load, permanent changes in dimension on heating, resistance tothermal shock, determination of ash fusibility.
  • Physical and chemical tests of cements and heat-resistant concretes – chemical analysis, strength determination, determinationof setting time and soundness
  • Sieving analyses of granular materials


Accreditation certificate No. S-012
Slovak National Accreditation Service - ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Decision of SNAS




Is competent to perform mechanical tests of metallic materials.
The accredited body gives evidence of competence to perform the accredited activity impartially and trustworthily by meeting the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard.

  • Tensile test - determination of parameters ReH, ReL, Rp, Rt, Rm, A, Ae, Ag, Z at room temperature, at elevated temperature (50-450°C) on flat specimens with thickness 0,13 mm – 14,00 mm and round bars specimens to diameter f 20 mm.
  • Tensile test of welded joints in transverse and longitudinal direction
  • Tensile test - Bake hardening index determination (BH)
  • Tensile test - Plastic strain ratio determination (r)
  • Tensile test –Tensile strain hardening exponent determination (n)
  • Charpy impact test (2-450) J in the temperature range: ( from -70°C to +30)°Candat -196°C
  • Drop weight tear test DWTT - Proportion of ductilefracture determination in the temperature range:( from -70°Cto+30)°C
  • Bend test – destructive tests on welds
  • Bend test – zinc coating adhesion
  • Rockwell hardness test (HRC, HRB, HRF, HR30T, HR15T)
  • Brinell hardness test (HBW 10/3000, HBW 2,5/187,5)
  • Vickers hardness test (HV 30, HV 10, HV 5)
  • Erichsen cupping test – depth of the indentation
  • Evaluation of earing tinned sheets
  • Other tests according to the laboratory's technical capabilities


Accreditation certificate No. S-212
Slovak National Accreditation Service - ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Decision of SNAS



Is competent to perform complex metallographic analyzes of materials, X-ray analyzes of textures, phases and stresses in materials, analyzes of organic and inorganic materials using infrared spectroscopy.
The accredited body gives evidence of competence to perform the accredited activity impartially and trustworthily by meeting the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Standard.

  • Determination of average ferritic grain size by comparing and using automatic image analysis
  • Determining the content of non-metallic impurities in steel comparison and using automatic image analysis
  • Vickers microhardness measurement

light MIcROScOPy

  • Evaluation of micropurity by comparison
  • Evaluation of grain size by comparison
  • Evaluation of micropurity
  • Microstructure evaluation
  • Evaluation of the structure of cast iron
  • Evaluation of the microstructure of welds
  • Measurement of microhardness


  • Mofrológia lomovej plochy + dokumentácia
  • Morfológia povrchu plechu + dokumentácia
  • Kvalitatívna mikroanalýza a záznam
  • Semikvantitatívna analýza a záznam
  • Rozloženie prvkov (mapa) a fotodokumentácia
  • Líniová analýza a záznam
  • Difrakčná analýza + EBSD (difrakcia spätne odrazených elektrónov)
  • Kvantitatívna analýza AZtec Feature


  • RAMAN spectroscopy
  • FTIR spectroscopy


  • Determination of material texture - ODF method
  • Measurement of internal material stresses
  • Structure and qualitative analysis
  • Quantitative phase analysis


  • Assessment of steel purity
  • Evaluation of cast iron
  • Evaluation of the structure of materials
  • Particle size measurement

T E S T I N G  L A B O R A T O R I E S



Ladislav Rožek

General manager

  +421 55 673 4430

  +421 917 626 700

Martin Hura

Transformation process manager

  +421 55 673 4225

  +421 917 626 701



  +421 55 673 4430

  +421 908 296 456


cokery Laboratory

Jakub Demko

Laboratory manager

  +421 908 296 450


Deputy manager

   +421 908 296 458


Beáta Svetlíkova

Laboratory manager

  +421 55 673 6090

  +421 917 626 721

Peter Maňkoš

Deputy manager

  +421 908 296 455


Alica Ridzoňová

Laboratory manager

  +421 55 673 4903

  +421 917 626 724

Maria Mochnacká

Deputy manager

  +421 55 673 7764

  +421 917 626 722


Miroslav Greško

Laboratory manager

  +421 55 673 6006

  +421 917 626 726

Marián Škodi

Deputy manager

  +421 945 432 193



Department manager

  +421 55 673 6239

  +421 917 952 682

Pavol Zubko

Deputy manager

  +421 55 673 7067

  +421 917 097 683

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