On Friday March 18, 2016, we welcomed United States Steel Corporation President and CEO Mario Longhi to the Kosice Steelworks. He was accompanied by Vice-President Global Quality and Manufacturing Processes Mark G. Tabler and Corporate Security and Emergency Services, GM Corporate Security and Fire Protection Robert C. Rudge from Pittsburgh.
Mario Longhi had a busy schedule in Friday. First, he attended a weekly War Room meeting. He learned about the current situation in Carnegie Way benefits, cash conservation, the top 5 best projects, the Radiator Division success and other projects.
Following the War Room session, Mr. Longhi accompanied other managers and went to Continuous Caster Shop II to take part in a Gemba Walk. He was familiarized with details of the best project in 2015, “ Decrease of Total Fuel Rates at the Blast furnaces + Improve BF Yield – Further Improvement on 2014 ,” by its leaders and staff.
After the Gemba Walk, Mario Longhi took part in lunch with U. S. Steel Kosice President Scott Buckiso and leaders of the best Carnegie Way teams. During the lunch Mr. Longhi handed over the The Carnegie Way CEO Award 2015 to GM Primary Mr. Joey Morey, who is the leader of the team responsible for the best project.
Meeting with top managers was part of Mr. Longhi’s visit as well. He was one of the speakers and he also mentioned Carnegie Way progress in U. S. Steel Europe.