Seven employees together with their loved ones enjoyed a tour of U. S. Steel Košice as part of the 2nd round of 2023 Family Safety Day.
On Saturday morning, June 24, 2023, organizers and staff were ready for a lavish morning program. He began with an introductory welcome and a film about iron and steel production in USSK, because it is not possible to visit all divisional plants for time and safety reasons.
And who was among the winners of the tour? Albín Rešetár from the maintenance of steel shop, Róbert Tuschl from the management of power plant, Marek Kanás from the pre-painted line products, Jaroslav Ondič from the preparation of the batch in the steel shop, Attila Veselka from the maintenance of the tubular plant, Igor Deák from the maintenance of blast furnaces, and Miroslav Hriňák from the administration of railway transportation.
Everyone came with family, relatives or friends, including former employees. A pleasing fact was the high proportion of young people interested in unique metallurgical production.
The entire 2nd round of the Family Safety Day was devoted to energy and therefore one of the guides was Ladislav Horváth, General Manager for Energy and the other was Ľubomíra Šoltésová from the Public Affairs Department, which organizes Family Safety Day in cooperation with other departments. First of all, with the OSH department and its representatives, Peter Vitkovič and Jana Maňkošová, supervised the safety of participants along the entire route.
The first stop was at the Fire Department, followed by the main energy dispatching centre, the hot rolling mill and finally galvanizing line No. 3.
The highlight of the interesting program was a joint lunch, where everyone was welcomed by Vice President for Energy and General Counsel Elena Petrášková. She thanked her colleagues for contributing to the success of this company and improving work safety with their approach. "Our parents worked in this factory, we work here and it offers great opportunities for the younger generation as well. Steel is a 100% recyclable material that we certainly cannot do without in the future."
Foto: Arpád Köteles