

Oceľ východu ARCHIVE

The Oceľ východu (Steel of the East) internal newspaper has been published since 1960. The X-App Košice is a follower of this medium.

553-576 of 1059 results

Košice Fairy-tale Christmas starts

The Košice Fairy-tale Christmas has already started. On Friday, 4 December, City Major Mr. Richard Rašiand U. S. Steel Košice Vice President External Affairs, Management and Business Development Mr. Miroslav Kiraľvarga, together with St. Nicholas, his suite and Firefly opened the celebrations from the stage near the Immaculata memorial.

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Tricky Words in this week‘s OV

Large numbers in English and Slovak. Up until fairly recently British English and Slovak usages were in agreement that a million was ten to the power of six (106), a milliard was ten to the power of nine (109), and a billion was ten to the power of twelve (1012).

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Fifty years of coke production In slovakia

Fifty years will have passed at the end of this week since the beginning of coke production in Slovakia, for which the Košice steelmakers were responsible. Our cokery staff produced the first coke on December 12, 1965 ...

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Names written indelibly in the company annals

On Friday, November 27 the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Košice was the venue for the celebration of some impressive working anniversaries - 30, 35, 40 and in some cases 45 years - of long-serving employees in the Transport, Power Engineering, Mechanics and Maintenance Divisions and the Department of General Manager Reliability of Equipment.

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Vihorlatֹ’s narrow-gauge railways

Did you know that in the past most of Slovakia's narrow-gauge railways used to be in the eastern part of this country? Many of them have been at least partially preserved, while others no longer exist, but mentions of them, also thanks to the tireless efforts of their admirers and enthusiasts, “are still alive.”

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Crisis over steel industry continues

"The black scenario" came true at Fairfield Works, which is a part of portfolio of the United States Steel Corporation. Last week, the Corporation´s Management decided to shut the Blast Furnace down.

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Anti-Dumping how it works?

The dumping margin is normally calculated on the basis of the difference between the normal value of the goods (usually the domestic price) and the price that is paid by importers (or price of the exported goods).

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European employers on migration and climate

Miroslav Kiraľvarga, U. S. Steel Košice Vice President External Relations, Administration and Business Development, in his role as President of the National Union of Employers in the Slovak Republic, took part last week in the meeting of the Council of Presidents of the Confederation of European Business, or BUSINESSEUROPE, which was held in Luxemburg on 19-20 November.

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Meeting of industriall Europe Basic Metals Committee

On November 17 and 18 there was a meeting in the southern Italian city of Taranto of labor union officials from particular member states of the European Union representing employees in the industrial sector of metals production, but especially steelmaking.

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Highlights of 12/2015

Fourth edition of the annual corporate event Where does my Pop, my Mom work? Family Safety Day Last Saturday, June 6, a hot sunny day awaited the best part...

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Ministers of EU member states focus on steel

At the request of the Government of the United Kingdom, the Luxemburg presidency of the European Union called a meeting on November 9 of the ministers for trade of the EU member states to discuss the worsening situation on the European steel market, primarily as a consequence of imports from China and insufficient demand.

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We test coal from all over the world

Some time ago we published in Oceľ východu an article about the laboratory for refractory materials. This article presents another specialized workplace of our researchers - the Center of Excellence for Coal and Coke.

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553-576 of 1059 results


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