


673-688 of 1220 results

Highlights of 21/2014

LETTER TO HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENTS AND EU LEADERS The top executives of the 60 most important steelmaking companies in Europe recently signed an open...

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Highlights of 20/2014

We do business in line with ethical rules Effective today, October 1st, according to information from USSK General Counsel C. James Bond, our Company is...

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Highlights of 19/2014

Nine Kosice steelmakers gain ministerial decorations Banska Stiavnica, the most beautiful old mining town in Slovakia, inscribed in UNESCO's World Cultural...

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Highlights of 18/2014

U. S. Steel Corporation President and CEO Mario Longhi visits Kosice steelmakers The President and Chief Executive Officer of the United States Steel...

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Highlights of 17/2014

Safety technician’s day with employees’ safety representatives Alongside the implemented system for involving employees’ safety representatives in...

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Highlights of 16/2014

Leaders of the Carnegie, Our Way initiative meet in Medzev The leaders of the Carnegie, Our Way initiative met in Medzev on July 25 to evaluate the results...

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Highlights of 15/2014

Charles B. Balawajder visits U. S. Steel Košice The Košice steelworks was visited last week by United States Steel Corporation Vice President Information...

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Highlights of 14/2014

New form of meetings with employees acknowledging excellent safety results starts with Mechanika Division More than 200 employees of the Mechanika Division...

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Highlights of 13/2014

National Maintenance Forum 2014 for the 14th time On June 3 and 4 Strbske Pleso was the venue for the 14th edition of the annual international conference...

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Arbitration ceased

Kosice, June 23, 2014 - U. S. Steel Global Holdings I B.V., a limited liability company existing under the law of the Netherlands and immediate parent company of U....

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Highlights of 12/2014

U. S. Steel Vice President Human Resources and Administration Susan M. Suver visits Kosice There was a three-day marathon of working meetings between June...

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Highlights of 11/2014

Auditors give our company above-average evaluation The five-day recertification audit of the U. S. Steel Kosice quality management system in line with the...

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Highlights of 10/2014

Kosice City Award for George F. Babcoke The Kosice City Day celebrations culminated last Wednesday, May 7, with an official ceremony incorporating the...

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Highlights of 09/2014

Action plan supports Steel Industry in Slovakia At its session on April 23, 2014 the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the Action Plan for a...

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Highlights of 08/2014

First supervisory audit of Energy Management System In March 2013 U. S. Steel gained another important certificate of compliance with the EN ISO 50001...

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Highlights of 07/2014

Mario Longhi visits Kosice steelworks In the second half of last week a group of top representatives of the U. S. Steel Corporation traveled from...

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673-688 of 1220 results


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