

Selected news from the Company Newspaper:

What the Volunteer Days of U. S. Steel Košice brought
Restored part of the historical pond and the trail in the Floodplain Forest
Another award for Vice President Silvia Gaálová
Community projects in the region are given the green light
21-40 of 157 results

Better air for the whole region

Kosice, November 27, 2019 – Today U. S. Steel Košice was the venue for a meeting of company representatives with the mayors of surrounding villages, focusing on issues of environmental protection.

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Steelmakers for Košice 2018

Košice, May 14, 2018 – On May 18 and 19 (Friday and Saturday) the U. S. Steel Košice Volunteer Days company event will be held for the 12th time in succession. Around 400 volunteers ...

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Steelmakers for Košice 2017

Košice, May 10, 2017 – On May 12 and 13 (Friday and Saturday) the company event named U. S. Steel for Košice Volunteer Days will be held for the 11th time in a row.

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Join the steelmakers charity

Košice, December 3rd, 2015 – Traditionally together with the opening of the Kosice Fairytale Christmas on Main Street, U. S. Steel Kosice will be opening its Christmas Charity Hut for the 10th year running.

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Arbitration ceased

Kosice, June 23, 2014 - U. S. Steel Global Holdings I B.V., a limited liability company existing under the law of the Netherlands and immediate parent company of U....

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21-40 of 157 results


U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Vstupný areál U. S. Steel
044 54 Košice
Slovak Republic



ID No.: 36 199 222
VAT ID: SK7020000119

Commercial Register: District Court Kosice I, Sec.: Sro, File No.: 11711/V



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GPS coordinates:
48.624314 N, 21.188045 E –

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