Press release
U. S. Steel Košice Collective Labor Agreement signed
Author: U. S. Steel Košice
On April 18, 2016, U. S. Steel Košice management and its employee representative partners signed the Collective Labor Agreement for 2016-2020. The new agreement resolves working, pay and social conditions, as well as other labor and legal issues and relations. USSK employees will be informed about the details of the agreed articles.
The CLA is valid for all employees of U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o., U. S. Steel Košice – SBS, s.r.o. and U. S. Steel Košice – Labortest, s.r.o. and it was brought into effect with the signatures of
U. S. Steel Košice President Scott Buckiso, U. S. Steel Košice Vice President Human Resources Martin Pitorák, KOVO U. S. Steel Košice Labor Union Council Chairman Mikuláš Hintoš, and NKOS KOVO U. S. Steel Košice Works Organization Chairman Milan Beregszászi.
“Though the new agreement was not created easily, we appreciate the fair approach of our labor union partners during the process of looking for mutual solutions,” said Scott Buckiso during the signing ceremony. “One of those solutions is the principle that if the financial performance of the company increases, the employees will also profit from this success with a higher variable wage and a one-off bonus as well, if the targeted financial results are achieved. In employee evaluation higher importance will be also put on their individual performance,” added President Buckiso.
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Ľubomíra Šoltésová
Media Relations Manager
Public Affairs
U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
tel.: +421 55 673 4250