Press release
Join the steelmakers charity
Author: U. S. Steel Košice
Košice, December 3rd, 2015 – Traditionally together with the opening of the Kosice Fairytale Christmas on Main Street, U. S. Steel Kosice will be opening its Christmas Charity Hut for the 10th year running. Until December 22nd eighteen non-profit organizations will be presenting their activities to the general public. These organisations take care of sick and disabled children and adults, children in foster homes and people who need help generally. They carry oute beneficial activities in challenging conditions and they will welcome support from Košice residents. The proceeds from public fund-raising will go towards the organizations’ further development and each donor will be given a small decoration made by their clients.
The hut will be staffed by volunteers from the ranks of the employees and the students receiving Company support for their studies at college or university. Almost 70 volunteers will spend at least one threehour shift there. Company volunteering is strongly rooted among the steelmakers, and it shows that those who work with hard metal have soft hearts and do not hesitate to help during the entire year.
One of many examples of volunteering is the Wishing Tree Christmas project. The employees take cards with children’s wishes from Christmas trees located within the public-access area, and then buy the gifts for the children. Since 2005 the steelmakers have brought happiness to children from almost all the foster homes in Eastern Slovakia. The lucky ones unpacking the presents this year are the children from Sečovce and Nižná Kamenica foster homes, and the clients of Half-Way Homes in Košice and Prešov, as well as the children from steelmakers’ families who are going through difficulties in life. Besides the presents, everyone involved enjoys the feelings of fellowship and adventures from various events which the Company invites them to throughout the year.
More information available from:
Ján Bača, Spokesman
U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.,
tel.: +421 55 673 4476,
Attachment: Who can you help and what is the purpose – USSK charity hut from 10am till 8pm
DECEMBER 4, 2015
Association of Mutual Help of People and Dogs, Košice
For activities at the animal shelter.
DECEMBER 5, 2015
Chance, non-profit organization. Košice
To buy equipment for Opatovská Street School, Košice.
DECEMBER 6, 2015
Kováčska Street Art School, 43, Košice
To buy art equipment for pupils.
DECEMBER 7, 2015
ArtEst – poly-esthetic education for disabled kids
To buy art equipment for disabled kids.
DECEMBER 8, 2015
Kukučínova Street Technical Secondary School, Košice
For school activities.
DECEMBER 9, 2015
Nižná Kamenica Foster Home
Foster home activities.
DECEMBER 10, 2015
League against Cancer, Košice branch
Activities at Košice branch, psychotherapeutic stay of oncological patient
DECEMBER 11, 2015
Rubikon Autistic Centre, non-profit org. Košice
Organizing activities.
DECEMBER 12, 2015
Association of Mutual Help of People and Dogs, Košice
For activities at the animal shelter.
DECEMBER 13, 2015
Uralská Street Foster Home, Košice
To buy art and work materials for the therapy workshop.
DECEMBER 14, 2015
Bankov Reeducation Centre, Košice
For creative activities of institution members.
DECEMBER 15, 2015
REGINA Social Services Home, Kráľovce 195
To buy materials for creative development of the clients in therapy workshops at the Adlerova Street Crisis Center, Košice, the Čaňa Center and Kráľovce Social Services Home.
DECEMBER 16, 2015
Parents’ Associationat the Bernolákova Street Elementary Art School, Košice
Purchase of tools for art department.
DECEMBER 17, 2015
ETP organization Slovakia – Centre for Sustainable Development, Košice
Organizing activities.
DECEMBER 18, 2015
Jegorov Square Psycho-Social Centre, Košice
Organizing activities.
DECEMBER 19, 2015
Happiness Association of Relatives & Friends in Košice
Organizing activities at the Bauerova Street Rehabilitation Center for people with mental disorders.
DECEMBER 20, 2015
Smile At Me Civic Association, Košice
Purchase of tools for pupils at Vojenská Street School and children in Ľudová Street Special Kindergarten.
DECEMBER 21, 2015
Archdiocesan Charity Košice
For daily activities at Mother Theresa Special Home in Bardejovská Nová Ves, Retirement Homes and Social Services Homes in Košice, Lipany, Veľký Šariš and Vojčice, and Crisis Centre at Košická Nová Ves.
DECEMBER 22, 2015
Forrest Gump non-profit organization, Košice
Purchase of equipment needed for Forrest Gump clients’ hand-made gifts.
- The End -