Press release
Steelmakers paint with the artists
Author: USS Košice
Kosice, 3rd October 2012 - The House of Art in Kosice was the venue today for the official opening of the exhibition of artworks which originated during the plein-air painting workshop
called "Steelmakers paint with the artists". The sixth edition of this interesting event took place from 25 to 31 August 2012 at the U. S. Steel Kosice Training Center in
Medzev. Professional artists together with talented Company employees worked on artistic expressions of several themes. In addition to ecological subjects, there was the theme of the "Lights of
Paris", which will be the motif of the next U. S. Steel Kosice Ball.
The creative plein-air painting workshop is an opportunity for non-professional painters to develop their artistic personalities. Working together with sculptor Arpad Racko, painters and
graphic artists Mikulas Lovacky, Janka Onuskova, Daniel Tatarka, Andrej Gore, Pavol Kvoriak and Eva Ondova and potter Igor Macak enabled eight talented employees to exchange experience, consult
the experts on their own work, and gain a wider artistic view. The works they produced, which will be presented to the public in the exhibition until October 25, will then be auctioned
for purchase by guests at USSK's Annual Ball, and the proceeds will go to support the East Slovakian Institute for Cardio-vascular Diseases. "I am proud of our Company's employees, who
are not only good steelmakers, but also stimulate their own personal development through artistic creation, and help people around them as they do so as well," said David J.
Rintoul, President of U. S. Steel Kosice, giving his impressions from the artworks displayed in the exhibition.
Children from the foster homes on Uralska Street in Kosice and the village of Podolinec were also invited to join in the plein-air event. The Company assists these homes all year round, and
accompanied by Elena Petraskova, Vice President Management Services and Administration, and Mary Rintoul, wife of the President of USSK, in Medzev the children could paint their own pictures or
form pieces out of clay on the potter's wheel.
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Further information:
Jan Baca
U. S. Steel Kosice, s.r.o.
Tel.: +421 55 673 4476
Fax: +421 55 673 0330