Press release
Together for the Region program once again offers support for projects in Eastern Slovakia
Author: USS Košice
The amount of 13 500 euros will be granted in the 8th edition.
Košice, October 20, 2014 - U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. and the Carpathian Foundation today opened the 8th edition of the Together for the Region grant program, in which a total
of 13 500 euros will be distributed to support public-benefit community projects in Eastern Slovakia. The program is gift-financed by U. S. Steel Košice.
Grants from this program are available on application to non-profit organizations and local councils actively involving employees of U. S. Steel Košice and its subsidiaries in the
Košice and Prešov regions.
Grants to the maximum amounts of 2 500 euros will be awarded to support innovative projects designed to improve safety in all fields of life, to develop purposeful free-time activities for
children and young people, as well as promote environmental education. The administrator of the U. S. Steel Košice Together for the Region grant program is the Carpathian
"Together we are doing good things for a large number of people. This is not just about our financial support for the program, but mostly about our employees who actively contribute to
improving life and the environment around them," said U. S. Steel Košice President George F. Babcoke, commenting on the exceptional nature of this
Since its inception in 2007 the program has already supported 76 projects with the total sum of almost 200 000 euros.
"The Together for the Region program has become a traditional tool for community support in Eastern Slovakia, and its opening is keenly awaited every year by many organizations and active
volunteers," says Carpathian Foundation Director Katarína Minárová. "At the same time it serves as a worthy example of cooperation between business and non-profit organizations.
We are glad that U. S. Steel Košice continues financing the program, giving local organizations the chance to improve life in towns and villages in this region. "
The closing date for grant applications is January 5, 2015.
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Further information:
Mgr. Mária Biľová - manager
tel.: +421 55 622 11 52, e-mail: