A dozen of our former colleagues – seniors from the Autumn of Life civic association accepted the invitation to visit U. S. Steel Košice. Yesterday, accompanied by František Gregor from Public Affairs, they walked with great interest through the operations of Steel shop, Hot rolled mill and Galvanizing line No. 3. During the tour, they were most interested in the use of artificial intelligence in the management of production processes. They have heard a lot about artificial intelligence, but it was a great experience for our colleagues to see its real use in the metallurgical industry and compare it with how it was in the past.
At lunch, they were welcomed by GM for Human Resources Peter Bencko and the administrator of the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation Slávka Tvrdoňová. At first, they spoke enthusiastically about what they had seen during the excursion. They really appreciated that they could see a substantial part of the production processes as they follow each other, something from classic metallurgical production, rolling and finally from finishing. Our seniors also remembered the times when they started, how it was in their young days and how the factory affected their lives. The topic also moved on to their hobbies and did not avoid sports, as many seniors actively participate in our winter or summer sports games and achieve great results at sports events organized by the city of Košice.
Our seniors, many of whom have worked in the factory for decades, are very grateful for every contact with their former workplace, former colleagues, for information about what is currently happening in our company and what our future will look like.
A few days ago, they took part in a creative workshop where they made Christmas decorations. And not only for herself. If you go to the AB building, be sure to choose some decoration from the basket that is located at the reception. We believe that it will make you happy.
"We wish all ironworkers a beautiful and happy Christmas and only the best in the new year. Thank you for the support and help we receive from you and for not forgetting us," said Anna Havierová, head of the Autumn of Life civic association.