The We Are With You at the Right Time project opened its next chapter yesterday. It is a long-term project that has been operating since 2013 and has helped more than 130 families. They are very grateful for their participation in the project. They appreciate not only the one-time financial support, but also the time we devote to them. At our events, they got to know each other and in many cases helped each other, they became friends. In 2025, the project will include 12 families of our colleagues who found themselves in a difficult life situation through no fault of their own.
The first meeting was traditionally the Christmas dinner, which was attended by Mike Piekut and Allison Revello, Miroslav and Mária Kiraľvarga, Marcel and Viera Novosad and Elena Petrášková.
Acting President Mike Piekut welcomed everyone: "It is a very pleasant feeling when we can make the upcoming holidays more pleasant in this way. I haven't been in Košice for a long time, but I know about this project and I've already met some of the families in person. For our company, the atmosphere of belonging and mutual help is very important. I wish you all a beautiful and happy Christmas."
Even before unwrapping the gifts, the families learned what program we had prepared for them in the following year. It will be various trips, a weekend stay, a visit to the zoo... The very first one should be an invitation from the Women's Network (WIN) to hockey, which was interpreted by Elena Petrášková, who was at the birth of the project We Are With You at the Right Time 13 years ago.
Naturally, children were the most curious about gifts. Many of them wrote their wishes themselves, but it was a big surprise for other children. As every year, Marcel Novosad helped us a lot with the Wishing tree project, in which gifts are bought by U.S. Steel Košice employees.
Christmas gifts were handed over to the children by Mária Kiraľvargová, Viera Novosadová, Allison Revello and the children were invited to the tree by Vice President Elena Petrášková. (from the left)
How satisfied were the children with the gifts?
There are two young ladies in Peter Veliký family. The older Michaela wanted a voucher to buy clothes for at HM, she would like to buy new T-shirts and other nice clothes. Terezka received a book with a magic pen because she likes to read. She immediately showed us how the magic pen works.
Jana Zlacká's sports-minded (football) boys wished for gifts related to PlayStation games. The younger Riško got a controller, which he was very satisfied with. He especially likes to play football (FIFA). The elder Alexander was given headphones. Playstations have one thing in common. But mother Jana said that they can always agree on who will play when and they don't argue.
Erik Sládek's daughter Tamarka wished for headphones for listening to music: "I am very satisfied with them. I like music. My favorite singer is Olivia Rodrigo and from Slovakia it is Sima Hegerová." Tamarka is looking forward to Christmas, her parents are said to have agreed with Santa Claus and some gifts will definitely be added. "We didn't know that we would meet during the year. We were pleased. We will definitely be happy to come," said Erik Sládek.
Iveta Sijková's boys, Dominik and Erik, wrote their wishes themselves. Dominik wanted a power bank and Erik a wireless speaker: "I like music. I listen to various musical genres, including classical music." The boys obey, help their mother and hopefully find something interesting under the tree.
Jozef Hunyady's son Samko received a set of figurines of forest animals and immediately showed that he knew them all. The gift did not stay wrapped for long, Samko opened the box after a while and played with the figures. The Hunyady family is also looking forward to meeting together, provided that Samko doesn't do something again. Just a few days ago, they took off his plaster cast because he fell and broke his arm.
Dorian Szanisló also got animals, namely the House on the Farm. His dad Dominik is already looking forward to the events we will organize: "We will definitely come. We are already looking forward to it."
Zuzana and Júlia Barošová are twins. "But I'm older, by two minutes," Zuzana explained to us and added: "That's exactly the kind of gift I wanted - a book with a magic pen. I'm looking forward to it very much. I'm into girly things." Her sister Julka wanted a car with remote control. She liked it very much and couldn't wait to play it at home.
Lukáš Petrus's son Darius is a small actor. While accepting the gift, he also recited a poem that his mother taught him. He got a scooter and was thrilled to find that it even lit up! He didn't even wait for them to come home and rode straight around the lobby of the restaurant on a scooter. And finally, he posed for our photographer under the Christmas tree.
For Peter Azari's children, the gifts were a big surprise. Sofia got Lego, which she loves to assemble and is quite good at it. After all, if he has a problem, Dad will help. Peter got a balance swing, he hasn't seen it yet, it will have to be put together first. So it will be "lego" for dad.
Ivan Tarnóci
came a little sad because he was alone. Jakubko is sick. He wished for a car with remote control. "He only has one, which is already quite old, so we chose this gift for him. I'll definitely give it to him as soon as I get home," said Ivan Tarnóci, who also sent us a photo of himself and his son unwrapping the gift in the evening.
The families of Štefan Bobko and Iveta Vysokayová could not attend the meeting due to the illness of the children. We have gifts for them set aside. A table lamp is waiting for Miško Bobko so that he can read at the table. Football cards, perfume and gaming headphones are waiting for Daniel and Patrik Vysokay.
Dear colleagues,
If you found gifts in the photos that you bought for these children, then know that they made them very happy. Just a big THANK YOU for everyone.
Photo: Ján Kisucký