In this pre-Christmas time, when we are especially looking forward to meetings and shared experiences with our loved ones, we certainly think more about those who are not so lucky. Of families who have lost a roof over their heads, of people who often find themselves on the street through no fault of their own. We cannot imagine the life of homeless people, sleeping in parks, under bridges. Especially during these cold days and frosty nights.
Fortunately, there are safe havens where they can take refuge at least for the night. Such is the non-profit organization OASIS – Hope for a New Life, led by priest Peter Gombita .
About 300 people have found their refuge in the OASIS, and with the increasing cold days, more are coming to them. "There are 15 families living in the houses, 102 people in the shelter, 80 in the dormitory, and another hundred people can sleep in the hangar," s ays Irena Petrášová, an economist at the non-profit organization .
In addition to a roof over their heads, the center provides them with one meal a day. Usually it's soup. "We have already received complete lunches for our clients from you several times, which is a huge, invaluable help for them," adds Irena Petrášová.
And so, with the hope that there will again be enough people willing to help those who are not so lucky in life, we are opening the Donate Lunch project for the eighth time.
S tarting today, December 6th, you can donate a portion of your food credits. All you have to do is send an e-mail agreeing to withdraw credits from your meal card in the amount of one, two... ten lunches – it's up to you what number you choose. The price for one lunch / chilled food is €4.50. It is necessary to provide your name, ID card number and also the number of lunches you want to donate. Send an email with these details to: garancne.centrum.1860@delirest.sk
You can do so until December 16. 2024..
Lunches in the form of chilled food will be delivered by Delirest to the non-profit organization OÁZA – Hope for a New Life, in the week before Christmas.
Since 2021, we have opened the Donate Lunch project seven times – before Christmas and before the Easter holidays. We delivered donated lunches to the facilities of the Archdiocesan Caritas or to the non-profit organization OÁZA and we also used them to help refugees from Ukraine. A total of 20,862 lunches were collected from 2,360 donors.