
Daniel Dlugolinský has a metallurgical heart

Daniel Dlugolinský has a metallurgical heart

He has been working in the ironworks for more than 30 years. "I graduated from a metallurgical technical school, so my choice was completely unambiguous," says Daniel Dlugolinský.   He started as a smelter of secondary metallurgy outside the furnace preparation of steel. At present, the first smelter in operation is the converters of DZ Oceliareň.

The head of operations, Albín Kočiš, says about him: "He is one of our most experienced first smelters. He grew up under my leadership, I also worked as the first smelter.  He had an effort to learn, develop his knowledge and abilities."

His superiors think that his metallurgical heart predestined him for this job.  He has made thousands of smelters and has taught this craft to many smelters.

"It's an interesting job, I enjoy it very much, even though it's demanding. Some people can't even imagine how steel is made. They didn't see the cycle. The entire course of production, how to alloy steel, how to make it so that it has the required quality.  As the first melter, I control the entire smelting. I have to plan it so that it has the parameters necessary for further processing. I have helpers who will help with the preparation, weigh the raw materials needed for the production of special grades of steel. I have to rely on these people 100 percent," says Daniel Dlugolinský.

"My results are due to the work of our entire team. If I didn't have a good team that does what it's supposed to do, I would never achieve anything," he said. His colleagues give him the Award for Work Loyalty.

Although there were worse days when he had enough of everything, he never wanted to quit this job. There were and are many more beautiful ones when the production goes smoothly and there is a good mood in the team.  Summer days are worse or more difficult. The temperature of the steel in the converter is 1,600 – 1,700 degrees, in the hall it attacks the forties and the steelworkers have to work in non-flammable protective suits...

"My family was surprised when they found out about my nomination, they were happy that I deserved it. After all, there were and still are days and weeks when I am more at work than at home," she says.

He has no followers of his craft in his family. The son is involved in computer science and the daughter is a bistro, neither of them wanted to produce steel.  He likes to spend his free time with his family, on walks in nature, or with a good book in his hand.

After receiving the award, Daniel Dlugolinský said: "I was very pleased. I never avoided work, I didn't hide when it was necessary to help. I always gave advice when I could, helped. I am glad that I received this award in recognition of my work."


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