
Nine metallurgists were awarded for their work loyalty

Nine metallurgists were awarded for their work loyalty

Last week, on Friday, the celebrations of the Day of Miners, Metallurgists, Geologists and Oil Workers took place in Banská Štiavnica. At the ceremony, which took place in the Church of St. The highest departmental awards were also received by metallurgists from U. S. Steel Košice. The Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic, Denisa Saková, presented the Awards for Work Loyalty to  nine of our colleagues.

They are: (on the cover photo from the left): Daniel Dlugolinský from DZ Oceliareň, Juraj Varga, Chairman of RO OZ KOVO U. S. Steel Košice, Zoltán Petri from DZ Energetika, Marián Dulák from DZ Teplá valcovňa, Mária Hudáková from DZ Expedition, Milan Sciranka from DZ Blast Furnaces, Ján Kostišče from DZ Doprava, Gejza Kováč from DZ Maintenance and Ivan Čurilla from DZ Studená valcovňa.

In historic Banská Štiavnica, the guests were welcomed by Mayor Nadežda Babiaková. This magical city received the highest international recognition in 1993, when it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List together with the technical monuments in the area. The mayor emphasized that the people of Štiavnica are very pleased that Banská Štiavnica is traditionally chosen by miners, metallurgists, geologists and oilmen as the venue for their celebrations, just at the time of the unique Salamander Days.


After the ceremony, Vice President for Production Marcel Novosad congratulated  all the awardees and thanked them for the support provided by their partners and family, without whom they would not have been able to achieve such success at work. Their direct superiors, general managers, vice presidents and life partners also congratulated their colleagues.



In the evening, the streets of Banská Štiavnica were filled with a parade. The historic Salamander parade was preceded by a traditional vanguard, in which businesses, students, mining and metallurgical associations, guilds and brotherhoods were represented. Unmistakable was our large group, which consisted of award-winning employees of U. S. Steel Košice with partners, vice presidents, general managers and directors of the plants in which the awarded employees work.

Introducing colleagues who have received the highest departmental award:

Ivan Čurilla

He has been faithful to one operation for 40 years. He works at DZ Studená valcovňa as a production foreman in a mixing station. "During his career, he has educated a number of experts, which he can be proud of. It achieves excellent results in the areas of occupational safety, quality and productivity," s uch an honest assessment was written to us by Peter Fudor , head of the hatch annealing plant.

The "owner" Ivan Čurilla originally wanted to become a train driver - U. S. Steel Košice (

Daniel Dlugolinský

is the first smelter in operation of DZ Oceliareň converters and is one of the most experienced first smelters.  "My results are due to the work of our entire team. If I didn't have a good team that does what it's supposed to do, I would never achieve anything," he said.

Daniel Dlugolinský has a metallurgical heart - U. S. Steel Košice (

Marián Dulák

Since joining the ironworks in 1991, he has become a maintenance worker in body and soul. Although he is currently the main manager for production support at DZ Teplá valcovňa, his interest in maintenance persists. "I enjoy my work, I know the operation perfectly and I enjoy doing what I studied," he says.

 Marián Dulák has a maintenance soul - U. S. Steel Košice (

Mária Hudáková

"She is the expedition coordinator at the material loading management center. Her responsible and especially selfless approach, with a lot of phone calls even outside of standard working hours, significantly contributes to the achieved results of the entire plant.  The enormous experience she has is invaluable and many younger colleagues draw on her experience,"  said Rastislav Milan,  director of DZ Expedition, about his colleague.

Mária Hudáková: "Expedition is a living process" - U. S. Steel Košice (

Ján Kostišče

For more than 40 years, he has been faithful to the repair of tracks and switches.  And that we have enough of them in the company.... Interestingly, the siding track has a total length of 232 km, of which 22 km is a wide gauge and 890 switches of various shapes and superstructures must be included. His current job is to take care of the railway superstructure and substructure and the electrical equipment located on the siding. He works as an executive manager for lines and electrics.

Ján Kostišče takes care of rails as long as from Košice to Žilina - U. S. Steel Košice (

Gejza Kováč

He has been working in the ironworks since 1995. The last four years as a scheduler, in DZ Maintenance. "I liked working in the ironworks from the beginning.  I worked in various positions, as a foreman in water management, in the production of technical gases, as a technologist.  I enjoyed my work and I enjoy it also because it always brings something new. Sometimes we think we already know everything, but that's not the case.  There is always something that surprises... It is necessary to urgently solve some repair, new technologies are coming that you need to be able to apply," he says.

Gejza Kováč: adrenaline at work and on the motorcycle - U. S. Steel Košice (

Zoltán Petri

works at DZ Energetika. Miroslav Horváth , head of operations at Technical Gases,  appreciates Zoli's technical prowess and ability to generate new ideas: " He is a person with an excellent ability to learn new things and apply them in practice. As one of the few employees of the Technical Gases operation, he controlled the equipment on three master sections, so he was destined to get to the position of Technical Gases Operations Coordinator. And later also a clear choice for the position of process engineer, which he currently holds."

Zoltán Petri has been faithful to energy all his life - U. S. Steel Košice (

Milan Sciranka

He has been working in the ironworks since 1983. Since the end of 2019, he has been working as a maintenance foreman at DZ Blast Furnaces. He always puts the team first: "We have good relationships, we can talk about all sorts of things.  We solve many things, so to speak, on the fly.  I never postpone any problems for "later" and I have always managed to come to a successful conclusion. And with a good feeling when we manage to do the work quickly, well and safely."

Milan Sciranka is the man in the right place - U. S. Steel Košice (

Juraj Varga

He is the Chairman of the RO OZ KOVO U. S. Steel Košice for the second term: "I am proud of all the successes we have achieved within our company, in our trade union KOVO and in the international organization IndustriAll. I am proud that we are a respected partner at all levels at home and abroad."

Juraj Varga has found the right balance in life - U. S. Steel Košice (

Photo: Ján Kisucký

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