


593-608 of 1220 results

Vihorlatֹ’s narrow-gauge railways

Did you know that in the past most of Slovakia's narrow-gauge railways used to be in the eastern part of this country? Many of them have been at least partially preserved, while others no longer exist, but mentions of them, also thanks to the tireless efforts of their admirers and enthusiasts, “are still alive.”

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Anti-Dumping how it works?

The dumping margin is normally calculated on the basis of the difference between the normal value of the goods (usually the domestic price) and the price that is paid by importers (or price of the exported goods).

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European employers on migration and climate

Miroslav Kiraľvarga, U. S. Steel Košice Vice President External Relations, Administration and Business Development, in his role as President of the National Union of Employers in the Slovak Republic, took part last week in the meeting of the Council of Presidents of the Confederation of European Business, or BUSINESSEUROPE, which was held in Luxemburg on 19-20 November.

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593-608 of 1220 results


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