Košice, March 10, 2017 – Today the 10th annual grant program of the Carpathian Foundation and U. S. Steel Košice named the Together for the Region expanded to include new members in its large family. Symbolic checks were presented to the representatives of six organizations from the Košice and Prešov Regions by the President of the steelmaking company Mr. Scott Buckiso and Director of the Carpathian Foundation Mrs. Laura Dittel.
This useful cooperation between the Foundation and the largest employer in Eastern Slovakia has already lasted ten years. This year, they are giving an opportunity to the villages of Jarabina and Hažlín to change and make their surroundings more pleasant, and give them a new community purpose. The Košice Children’s Railway will create premises for young railway enthusiasts in the newly-built station building. The Domka Košice Leisure Center will pass on their long-term experience to future volunteers. The Barlička Civic Association from Prešov will move its big three-generation garden project into the next phase. The Ľubovňan Cynological Club in Stará Ľubovňa will clear up the devastating effects of floods, reconstruct the publicly-accessible area, and organize events for all those who love dogs.
"Ten years of this grant program have brought to this region almost a hundred smaller or larger projects which have changed the quality of life for many residents and communities in the Košice and Prešov Regions. Moreover, they have also provided non-profit organizations and municipalities with a good deal of valuable experience on which to build in the future. Creating opportunities for active and responsible people is an important part of the mission of our Foundation. We are grateful that the company U. S. Steel Košice substantially helps us in fulfilling our mission," says Laura Dittel, Director of the Carpathian Foundation.
The Together for the Region program is gift-funded by U. S. Steel Košice. The non-profit organizations and local municipalities can apply for financial support for innovative projects promoting safety in all spheres of life, meaningful use of leisure time by youngsters, and protection of nature and the environment. The U. S. Steel Košice grant program administrator is the Carpathian Foundation. Since its opening the program has supported 95 projects with a total amount of more than EUR 241,904.
"I am always impressed when I see people willing to do more and bring benefits for their community. Such enthusiastic and attentive people are of enormous value to every employer and also for society as such, as they seek to improve things and move forward. I am pleased that many of them are employees of U. S. Steel Košice. Although our company is here to produce steel, we appreciate the partnership with all active people, organizations or municipalities, as we feel jointly responsible for our region and we want a better life here," says the President of U. S. Steel Košice, Mr. Scott Buckiso.
List of supported organizations and projects:
Košice Children’s Railway Project: New premises for young railway enthusiasts in the new station building, EUR 2,460
Domka Košice Leisure Center Project: Volunteering – Lifestyle, EUR 2,222.98
Ľubovňan Cynological Club Project: We Do Not Stop, EUR 2,000
Hažlín Village Project: Let’s change the illegal dump into a relaxation area, EUR 2,483
Jarabina Village Project: Jarabina Forest Park, EUR 2,500
Barlička Civic Association Project: Three Gardens – Three Generations, EUR 2,239