
Students´ projects were awarded

Students´ projects were awarded

EKO & SAFETY 2007 competitions prize awards

Kosice, May 18, 2007 - Today, company U. S. Steel Kosice presented the winners of safety and ecological competitions announced at the beginning of academic year. More than 120 elementary and secondary schools from Eastern Slovakia joined the competitions focused on creation of positive environmental attitude at young people. The projects and knowledge quiz were dedicated to solving the questions related to the nature, air and water protection as well as collecting and sorting out waste. Total 15 projects were developed within the 4th year of competition called Where and How Will We Live, intended to elementary school students. Hereof, the Jury selected 6 best projects that will receive funds from company U. S. Steel Kosice in amount SKK 200 000,- for purpose of project implementation. What We Haven´t Know Till Now refers to the name of the 2nd year of knowledge competition of secondary schools. Total 105 groups of 22 secondary schools joined the competition. The Jury selected three best teams that will receive checks from company U. S. Steel Kosice for purpose of material gifts purchase in total amount SKK 45 000,-.

At the end of last year, President of the metallurgy company Mr. David H. Lohr announced the grant program called Higher Safety at Schools. The program is aimed to increase safety of students and teachers at schools of Kosice and Presov region in the form of financial support of projects developed by the schools. The grant program represents a part of ongoing project named "Professionals Perform with Higher Safety". The tender committee consisting of specialists in area of education, occupational safety and hygiene, the third sector and program organizer selected five winning of total applied 70 projects. The company will donate amount SKK 1 016 450,- for implementation of selected grant projects. Vice Presidents Mrr. Miroslav Kiralvarga and Richard Veitch handed over the symbolic checks to the winning projects authors. More than 180 schools joined all three competitions.

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List of the schools and winning projects:

1. Orphanage Uralska 1, Kosice
Project: Through ambiance improvement, we will improve spirit
Amount: SKK 50 000,-

2. Elementary school Kosicka Polianka
Project: Through ambiance improvement, we will improve spirit - development of a small ecological classroom
Amount: SKK 36 600,-

3. Elementary school Masarykova
Project: Eco-zones - return to the nature
Amount: SKK 20 000,-

4. Elementary school Povazska
Project: Enviro- muses in the School
Amount: SKK 20 600,-

5. Elementary school Buzica
Project: We care about the surrounding nature
Amount: SKK 23 000,-

6. Elementary school Abovska, Kosice - Barca
Project: Schoolyard as a biotop
Amount: SKK 49 800,-

1. St. Tomas Akvinsky Grammar school in Kosice
Team: Xenia Cekanakova, Dominika Martinkova, Maria Valencikova
Prize: Free purchase of sport equipment in value SKK 7.000,- per capita

2. Eight-year Grammar school at Alejova steet in Kosice
Team: Martin Blicha, Jozef Janovsky, Peter Zavacky
Prize: Free purchase of sport equipment in value SKK 5.000,- per capita

3. M. R. Stefanik Grammar school , L. Novomesky 4 in Kosice
Team: Veronika Balintova, Jana Hogyova, Zuzana Jaskova
Prize: Free purchase of sport equipment or PM3 player in value SKK 3.000,- per capita

1. Private Secondary School of Film Arts, Kosice
Project: Safe school or access only by the responsible
Amount: SKK 319 500,-
The funds will be spent to production of 12 short video spots that will emphasize selected issue from OSH area in a funny form; production of posters and creation of interactive DVD.

2. Secondary Apprentice School of Metallurgy Kosice - Saca (SOU)
Project: Preparation of SOU students to faster adaptation to the opeartion conditions in area of OSH
Amount: SKK 263 000,-
The funds will be spent to building the educational safety center - OSH Cabinet, application of the system of periodical control and evaluation of OSH status upon co-participation of students´ representatives and non-traditional methods of OSH teaching - "What do you know about OSH?"

3. Private Secondary Vocational School ELBA, Presov
Project: Revitalization of school infrastructure
Amount: SKK 198 000,-
The funds will be spent to replacement of the school corridor floor tiling and building of traffic playground that could be used by other school facilities as well.

4. Elementary school Poproc
Project: Safety at school from students´ point of view
Amount: SKK 193 950,-
The funds will be spent to installation of the camera system, recording, evaluation and analysis of students´ conduct.

5. Elementary school Vysna Rybnica
Project: Responsible to yourself - responsible to others
Amount: SKK 42 000,-
The funds will be spent to modification of classroom and the gym.

Further information:

Jan Baca
U. S. Steel Kosice, s.r.o.
Tel.: +421 55 673 4476
Fax: +421 55 673 0330

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