Košice, June 12, 2020 – James Bruno, President of U. S. Steel Košice, today symbolically handed over a set of new instruments for Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice. Following the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the steelmakers spontaneously responded and put aside financial contributions primarily for the Infection and Travel Medicine Clinic, where the paramedics´ effort to help patients suffering complications during treatment of COVID-19 was concentrated in the Košice region. A new ultrasonic device, mobile systems for body temperature measurement, a ramp for wheelchair patients, a hospital ward camera system, and further equipment with a value exceeding € 65 000 is intended to serve paramedics for prompt treatment and better patient care.
“We have been in close contact with the Košice community for many years, so we knew where to address our support to be most effective after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. We left it up to the hospital professionals to choose what they needed most,” said James Bruno while presenting the gift. “Doctors and nurses will be able to provide higher quality healthcare to the citizens in the region.”
The support provided to the University Hospital in Košice represents one of several initiatives with which the steelmaking company has responded to the unprecedented situation. Primarily, the company has had to deal with many internal hygienic and pandemic measures in order to ensure continuous steelmaking operations.
“We had never experienced a similar virus pandemic in Slovakia before, and we had to provide for diagnostics and treatment of endangered patients. Thanks to our partners, we were not alone in these efforts,” stressed Professor Pavol Jarčuška, President of the Slovak Associations of Infectiology Experts. “The equipment will help paramedics at our clinic to promptly diagnose and treat more patients, and allow for better communication with hospitalized infectious patients who must be isolated in hospital wards. Installation of communications equipment will also result in savings in personal protective equipment.”
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Mgr. Ivana Vaněková
PR manager and spokeswoman
UNLP Košice
phone: 055/ 615 3056
mobil: +421 905 217 502
Ing. Ján Bača
Director of PR Department, spokesman
U. S. Steel Košice
phone: 055/ 673 4618
mobil: +421 903 640 680