A good deal of useful work was done during the tenth edition of the annual Volunteer Days – U. S. Steel for Košice event, which took place on May 13 and 14 of this year, by employees of the Košice steelworks and subsidiary companies, their family members and people from our partner organizations. The Steelmakers' Drop of Blood donor drive, the collection of useful things for several charity centers, and the manual work at the Hurbanova Street Foster Home and the Forrest Gump Club in Košice, the Zoo and the Botanical Gardens, the Animal Shelter near Haniska and the Children's Historical Railway attracted more than four hundred volunteers, who did not hesitate to devote some of their time, energy and working skills for this good cause. On Monday, May 30, as many as 140 volunteers from the ranks of the employees of U. S. Steel Košice and its subsidiaries attended a meeting with USSK President Scott D. Buckiso at which he thanked them for their work benefiting the city and the region.