
Christmas concert Generous Snowflakes

Christmas concert Generous Snowflakes

Kosice, December 7, 2005 - The concerts on the occasion of the most beautiful holidays of the year, organized by U. S. Steel Kosice, have already become a several year tradition. The Christmas concert with the characteristic title Generous snowflakes is a symbol of generousness of metallurgists, regularly promoting those who need our aid. U. S. Steel Kosice employees have this time contributed with a financial collection dedicated to the East Slovakia oncological institute in Kosice and they are endowing this institute already for the second time in the history. Together with a contribution from the company they have collected the sum of SKK 2 529 648.

These financial means are helping at the purchase of an automatic block carver - a device preventing from damage of sound tissue during radium therapy of carcinoms. Miroslav Kiralvarga, U. S. Steel Kosice Vice President, is handing over a symbolic check to Alexander Berc, Director of East Slovakia oncological institute during the Christmas concert, at the State theatre in Kosice on December 9, at 7:00 p.m.

U. S. Steel Kosice has dedicated tens of millions of crowns to various projects in East Slovakia. The last weeks tell symbolically, when the firm celebrates 5 anniversary of operations in Slovakia. Five successful years represent 5 millions of crowns dedicated for further institutions. U. S. Steel Kosice is devoting 1 million of crowns at the Christmas concert to the purchase of children books for twelve libraries of East Slovakia. The same sum is heading to children's homes, supported by the company regularly not only financially, but also with the collections of toys or children's participation in various sports and entertaining events. The company is investing one million of crowns into the campaign Professionals act safely, within the framework of which it is helping more schools. Remaining two millions represent means devoted to culture. Company President David H. Lohr has recently handed over symbolical checks for SKK 1 million to the State Philharmonic Orchestra Kosice and the State theatre in Kosice.

Following performing artists are appearing in the festive program of the Christmas concert Generous snowflakes: Lubica Vargicova, Miroslav Dvorsky, Richard Rikkon, Karel Cernoch, Bohus Matus, The Sound Office, State Theatre (SD) Orchestra Kosice, G. Brom's Big Band.

Allow us to invite you to a dress rehearsal of the Christmas concert program taking place on December 9, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. at the State theatre in Kosice.

- E N D -

Further information:

Jan Baca
Director Public Affairs
U. S. Steel Kosice, s.r.o.
Tel.: +421 55 673 4476
Fax: +421 55 673 0330

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