
Christmas Charity Concert





U. S. Steel Košice
Christmas Charity Concert


Date of concert: December 13, 2019 at 7 pm.

Venue: Košice State Theater

Performers: Marián Lukáč, Veronika Rabada, Jozef Hollý, piano virtuoso, Adam Ďurica, Tereza Mašková, Children from Podolínec foster home and the Center for Children and Families in Košice, Košice State Theater Orchestra, conducted by Karol Kevický, Zvonček children's vocal ensemble

Presenter: Jarmila Hargašová Lajčáková


Beneficiaries of U. S. Steel Košice Christmas Charity Concert

U. S. Steel Košice provides continuous, long-term support to those who depend on assistance from others. The culmination of the Company's sponsorship activity this year was the now traditional Christmas Concert.

Support for foster homes
and centers for children and families

U. S. Steel Košice has been supporting foster homes and centers for children and families in eastern Slovakia for 19 years now.

The children wrote their gift wishes on special cards, so that Company employees could fulfill them in time for Christmas. The Wishing Trees have gained a firm place in their hearts, and many employees take it for granted that apart from their own children, they also bring pleasure with a Christmas gift to a foster home child.

During the Concert, symbolic checks from the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation to the value of 7500 euros each were presented to the wardens of the St. Klement Hoffbauer Foster Home in Podolínec Štefan Straka and of the Center for Children and Families on Uralská Street in Košice Jana Funderáková.
Another symbolic check to the value of 2000 euros was accepted by the deputy warden of the Halfway House in Košice Stela Ochodnická.
The checks were presented by U. S. Steel Košice Foundation administrator Slávka Tvrdoňová.

Support for the families of employees who find themselves in a difficult life situation

Ten families, meaning ten different stories, and ten difficult situations. Some have had to come to terms with the death of somebody very close, while others have been struggling with serious illness, either of one of the parents or one of the children, who need to be taken care of.
Taking their minds off their problems and providing space for happy experiences are the aims of the program called “We are with you at the right time”, which U. S. Steel Košice has been running for eight years now. In addition, at the end of this year each family has received financial support in the form of a lump sum of 2 000 €.

A video sequence was shown during the Concert, presenting the story of the family of Martin Čoltek.
In 2020 this program will be extended to the families of Peter Moižiš, Marián Čoltek, Robert Andráši, Ladislav Balog, Anna Čírová, Vratislav Vámoš, Igor Koščák, Jaroslav Bočkorík and Jozef Boritáš.

U. S. Steel Košice volunteering activity and support for the Center for Children and Families on Hurbanova Street in Košice

For many years now corporate volunteering has featured in the U. S. Steel Košice activities focusing on community support. The biggest event of the year is the Steelmakers for Košice Volunteer Days, which the Company has been organizing since 2007. For getting employees involved in volunteering activities, U. S. Steel Košice gained the Via Bona Slovakia Award in 2008.

Steelmakers have also been actively helping out at the Center for Children and Families on Hurbanova Street in Košice for several years. The Concert audience watched a video sequence presenting the volunteering activities during this year.

During the Concert the warden of the Center Silvia Komorová accepted a symbolic check with the proceeds from the ticket sales, which amounted to 3 230 euros. The check was presented by Mikuláš Šulek on behalf of the employees who bought tickets to this Concert.

Announcement of the results
of the  employees' fund-raising


This year U. S. Steel Košice employees decided to support the Urology Clinic at the Louis Pasteur University Hospital in Košice.

A symbolic check with the final amount of 24 027.62 euros from the traditional end-of-year voluntary collection was presented during the Concert to the deputy head of the Urology Clinic Miroslav Iláš by U. S. Steel Košice employee Katarína Dittelová.

U. S. Steel Košice President and U. S. Steel Košice Foundation Board of Trustees Chairman James Bruno then redoubled the employees' generosity by presenting a check to Miroslav Iláš to the value of 60 000 euros from the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation.


Special support for the City of Prešov

In his address to the Concert audience, U. S. Steel Košice President James Bruno also announced special support from the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation for the people of the City of Prešov affected by the tragic gas explosion in their residential block on December 5 of this year. The U. S. Steel Košice Foundation has provided the sum of 25 000 euros intended for their support by the City of Prešov.


  The beneficiaries of the Christmas Charity Concert 2019 have received from the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation and the employees of the Company
total 147 258 euros.

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U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Vstupný areál U. S. Steel
044 54 Košice
Slovak Republic



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