Ján Bača, Director Public Affairs, presented the prizes to a group of winners of the second round of the Grand Competition on 21 June. Though, the winner of the main prize – air conditioning at home worth 1,650 euros was missing. Tatiana Semancova is on vacation right now. Of course, the win will wait for her, the air conditioning will surely come together, because summer is only at the beginning and the hot days will only increase.
Coupons worth 500 euros for the purchase of white goods and electronics are enjoyed by 3 winners: Robert Heško, Mária Lumtzerová and Pavol Szabol. "I was very surprised to learn about the win. I was just on a reconditioning stay. I play in the Grand Competition from the beginning, once I won a package with advertising items. I haven't been lucky enough for the car yet, but one day it will definitely come" Robert Heško told us.
The hockey pass delighted Martin Niedelský. He's a hockey fan who goes to games when work allows him to. Now he's going to try to find more of that time. He has been competing since the first year and has also been lucky only once when he has won a coupon for a food package worth 50 euros.
Martin Kovaľ, another hockey pass winner, told us that he had never been to a hockey game. When asked what to do with the pass, he replied: "I have great hockey fans among my teammates. They're already teasing me to see if I'll ever lend them a ticket. Of course, I do. But I have a lot of my teammates, hockey fans, so I guess I'm going to have to hold a private ticket draw before every game.”
Two hundred euros per UP card was awarded to the winner Erik Steranka, who we caught up with on a reconditioning stay. Since it is summer, the prize will most likely be spent on entrance fees to swimming pools.
Currently, the big competition continues by 3rd round. You can participate in U. S. Steel Košice - XAPP-Competitions.