One of the projects that received a grant in the Together for the Region 2024 program is called Oriešky veveričky Ryšky and was presented by the organization RZ Materská Škola Cottbuská 1480/34, Košice.
In this project, the squirrel, which the children met in the school yard, accompanies them through the seasons of the year and develops their relationship with nature. It teaches children to take responsibility for their actions. The aim of the project is to form the foundations of ecological sensibility and a positive relationship of children to nature and the environment. The director of Cottbuská Kindergarten, Zlata Antaliková, described her work and the idea of the project:
"I have been working with children in education for 50 years, as a kindergarten director for 33 years. I like my job very much, I wouldn't change it for any other. I devote myself fully to children and my work and regularly prepare projects that will improve the education and life of children in kindergarten. Last school year it was sports and sports activities, this year I focused on environmental education. My goal is to make a difference in the knowledge, attitudes and skills in the field of environmental education of kindergarten children but also the children's parents. Environmental education and training must be directly connected with practice and the everyday life of children. That is why we implement extracurricular activities such as ecotrips to nature, excursions, brigades, competitions, discussions. We pay more attention to saving water, energy and waste recycling."
And what have the kindergarteners already accomplished?
They learned how to make paper, how to protect nature and trees, but also how to use organic waste from the kitchen and school garden for composting. They take care of the bushes in the school yard and in cooperation with parents of plants in raised beds, too. They visited the Environmental Education Center in Kokšov Bakša, including the incinerator. They saw an exhibition of live butterflies in the UPJŠ Košice Botanical Garden and thanks to the cooperation with the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, they had a tour of reptiles and a discussion about these interesting creatures. As part of the Vegetable Madness project, children regularly learn about proper eating habits and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
There are interesting autumn and winter activities in nature awaiting. The received grant of €3,000 has been used for various types of teaching aids and implementation of individual programs.
Zlata Antaliková perceives the grant program positively
"It is fantastic that U.S. Steel Košice is also interested in its region and willingly wants to help people, children, and municipalities in its surrounding. Many of your employees have children in our kindergarten so we can use the funds obtained from the project for their benefit as well."