In articles about supporting public benefit activities in various spheres of life, you will often read that they were supported by the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation. Over the 22 years of its operation, it has supported thousands of them, making life in eastern Slovakia better. This year, it is also seeking our favor in deciding which eligible organization we will transfer our 2% or 3% of the paid personal income tax for 2024.
If you want to help the U. S. Steel Foundation, all you need to do is fill out the Declaration of Transfer of an Amount of Up to 2% or 3% of the Paid Personal Income Tax form with the pre-printed foundation data, which you can also find on the U. S. Steel Košice Foundation website. It must be submitted to the relevant department of the Payroll Department, or at the Employee Center, no later than April 25, 2025.
U. S. Steel Košice Foundation will support projects in the areas of healthcare, education, culture, sports, humanity, protection of human rights, and protection and creation of the environment from the funds received. Thank you.
The following information will be useful for those who will file their own tax returns:
Business name or title: U. S. Steel Košice Foundation
Registered address: 044 54 Košice, U. S. Steel Entrance Area
Legal form: foundation
Beneficiary identification number (IČO): 35549891