
Highlights of 09/2013

Highlights of 09/2013

Top USS Corporation representatives visit Kosice steelworks

On Wednesday, April 10, members of the top management of the United States Steel Corporation traveled to Kosice direct from Vienna, where they had been attending an international conference on steelmaking. Corporation President, Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John P. Surma, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Mario Longhi, Senior Vice President Strategic Planning, Business Services & Administration David H. Lohr, Senior General Attorney James C. Bond and General Manager Public Affairs Charles J. Rice arrived in the morning for a short working meeting with members of the management of U. S. Steel Kosice.
At the outset USSK President David J. Rintoul introduced the Corporation's top managers to the team of people who put so much time and energy into the work which ultimately resulted in the signing of the Memorandum with the Government of the Slovak Republic about U. S. Steel's continuing operations in Kosice. The team included Matthew T. Lewis, Eva Durzóova, Jan Blanar, Peter Mosny, Stefan Lengyel, Peter Semanco, Vladimir Jacko, and Joseph A. Napoli. "You all deserve a great vote of gratitude, as you've all worked very intensively," acknowledged the President, and expressed his appreciation in similar terms for the excellent work of labor union leader Mikulas Hintos.
The work of the whole team at the steelworks in the recent period was also praised by John P. Surma and Mario Longhi, and they called on those present to concentrate on the future and the achievement of the demanding objectives in all areas of business.

Awards for the best researchers

The best researchers and originators of the most efficacious projects from last year were invited to a meeting on April 12, attended by U. S. Steel Kosice President David J. Rintoul and Vice Presidents Vladimir Jacko and Martin Pitorak, where they were officially presented with awards proposed by the General Manager Research and Development USSE. Altogether 21 projects were nominated. First place was awarded to the research project into new types of vacuum-degassed steels at the Steel Plants Division, in which the principal researcher was Slavomir Hertneky, sharing the work with Marcel Nemec, Marek Molnar, Gabriel Grimplini, Milos Predmersky, Jan Hunady and Peter Zimovcak. In the category of Researcher of the Year 2012 there were nominations for nine colleagues. This title was taken by researcher and developer Maria Gaba­niova. Last year she participated in dealing with a large number of customers' requirements primarily concerning the specification of organic coatings. GM R&D USSE P. Korytko also presented five awards for extraordinary contributions and achievements.

Daffodil Day at U. S. Steel Kosice

The nationwide collection on Daffodil Day 2013 was supported on April 12, as has already become customary, by the Kosice steelmakers as well. Altogether they donated the best part of five thousand euros, 4 936.06 euros to be precise, which is a bit more than last year. The Anti-Cancer League activists were joined, as is now traditional on this day, by volunteers from the steelmaking company and the wives of some of the Vice Presidents.

Kosice City Day celebrations to last nine days

More than 30 principal and around 40 accompanying events have been prepared for the townspeople and visitors of the metropolis of Eastern Slovakia, making up the celebrations of this year's Kosice City Days. They are meant to last nine days, taking place between April 30 and May 8, 2013. They will be immediately followed by the Pentapolitana Days and Europe Day, which will be taking place under the patronage of the SR Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Friday, May 10 at the Lower Gate Museum on Main Street. The nineteenth edition of the annual celebration of Kosice City Day (May 7) will, in the words of City Mayor Richard Rasi, be rich in entertainment. The program, which can be found on the web-site, is designed to appeal to the widest possible range of Kosice people and visitors to the city.

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