
Highlights of 08/2012

Highlights of 08/2012

Occupational safety and health protection is solely in our hands

This idea is currently being propagated by more than fifty billboards placed in workplaces in USSK's divisional plants and subsidiary companies, as well as in the public access areas around the steelworks. Employees' signatures, which are gradually being added to the billboards, declare each person's commitment to working safely. The first to sign the billboards on Wednesday, March 28, were the top managers of U. S. Steel Kosice led by President David J. Rintoul. This signature drive is just one of many activities implemented by Company management in a continuing effort to raise employees' awareness of occupational safety.

US Ambassador Theodore Sedgwick visits steelmakers

On March 29, U. S. Steel Kosice was visited by the Ambassador of the United States of America in the Slovak Republic, Theodore Sedgwick, as part of his working stay in Kosice. He had a meeting with USSK President David J. Rintoul, and went on a plant tour of several of the steelworks operations.

Ceremony marks Ford's certificate award

The Q1 certificate from leading automobile manufacturer Ford has been on display in a place of honor since March 30. This document confirming the quality of our products was hung in a frame on the vestibule wall in the Company's main admin building during a small ceremony attended by U. S. Steel Kosice President David J. Rintoul and other Company managers. Another feature of this prestigious award is the Q1 flag, which now flies from one of the flagpoles outside the main building.

Results for fifth year of Together for the Region grant program

Tuesday, April 3, saw the official announcement at U. S. Steel Kosice of the results for the fifth edition of the annual grant program named Together for the Region, a joint undertaking of USSK and the Carpathian Foundation. Symbolic checks for the implementation of public-benefit projects, were handed over to representatives of eleven non-profit organizations and municipalities by USSK President David J. Rintoul and Carpathian Foundation Director Laura Dittel. There were originally 67 applications for grants, and the eleven interesting and innovative projects which ultimately gained support will involve Company employees in their implementation.

Corporate safety audit carried out

At the end of March the regular corporate safety audit was carried out at USSK. The eight-member group of auditors from the United States, made up of representatives from the U. S. Steel Corporation operations and its top management, concentrated primarily on an in-depth verification of the understanding of the life-threatening situations programs. At the same time they undertook a large number of safety conversations with employees.

Traffic playground for children

The Galakticka Street kindergarten in Kosice, thanks to financial support from U. S. Steel Kosice, now boasts a new children's traffic playground. The Safely on the Roads initiative was one of the projects that gained funding in last year's Together for the Region grant program, which USSK jointly organizes with the Carpathian Foundation. The playground is intended for children as a means of preventing road traffic accidents. The official opening on March 28 was also attended by the wife of the USSK President, Mary Rintoul.

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On April 18, 2023, the company U. S. Steel Košice announced the names of organizations and projects that will receive support under its Together for the Region 2023 grant program.

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