
Highlights of 50/2007

Highlights of 50/2007

Capacity and quality of waste-water cleaning improved

The neutralization station at the Cold Rolling Mill awaits official approval this week, which will be the culmination of a more than four-month-long trial operation period following its reconstruction. The renovation of this waste-water treatment plant, which also serves the Finishing plants, has taken ten years to carry out. According to Project Manager Zlatica Lucskaiova from the Engineering Projects Department and CSM Neutralization Station Supervisor Dusan Kopcik, the plant has been completely reconstructed and fitted out with new technology which will enable the process of cleaning the waste water arising from the production of rolled materials in both of the divisions mentioned to be harmonized with current Slovakian legislation.

Dreams are there to be fulfilled

The grand Wishing Tree charity concert which took place last Friday, December 7th, in the Kosice State Theater was the culmination of activity in U. S. Steel Kosice's project aimed at supporting children's foster homes in Eastern Slovakia. Thus the beautiful idea of USSK President's wife Susan Lohr - to provide the children with dreamed-of gifts from specific people, the Company employees - became reality. In fact the whole two-hour program passed off in a spirit of generosity and willingness to help.
No-one in the audience came to the theater with empty hands. The toys which people brought with them will bring happiness to the children in four foster homes, and the cash donations will boost the proceeds of the fund-raising collection for the East Slovakian Oncology Institute in Kosice. "On behalf of all those whose names we can see on the screens, as well as of all of us present here, I present this symbolic check to you with a preliminary value of 4 658 658 Slovak crowns," said USSK President David H. Lohr to Institute Director Alexander Berc. Another check worth one million crowns was given by the President to Kosice State Theater Director Peter Himic as a gift from the USSK Foundation to the Theater for all its efforts and good work for the people of Kosice in support of its future projects, and there were also checks for a quarter of a million crowns each which were presented to the Directors of four foster homes - in Presov, Medzilaborce, Spisske Vlachy and Spisska Bela.

St.Nicholas brings pleasure to young and old

It was almost spring-like weather in the early evening of last Wednesday, December 5th, that brought hundreds of children and adults out into the city streets. None of them wanted to miss the lighting-up of the Christmas tree and the Main Street decorations, and certainly not the arrival of St.Nicholas. The stage by the Immaculata monument, surrounded by curious onlookers, welcomed the first performers just before 5 pm. Then, to the sound of "Jingle Bells", St.Nicholas apppeared on stage, and once he had welcomed Kosice City Mayor Frantisek Knapik and USSK President David H. Lohr together with their wives Marta and Susan, who as is now traditional then officially opened Kosice Christmas, he invited the waiting children on stage to sing some nice songs as contributions towards the packages of St.Nicholas' surprises. There was a merry mood inside the historical Town Hall as well, where the children of the American managers were pleased to get candies and other goodies from Santa Claus. The very enjoyable evening was helped on with competitions in singing, drawing, music and dance.

Metallurgical Technical School has a new sports-ground

With a very generous donation of 1.1 million Slovak crowns, USSK has contributed towards the building of a new multifunctional sports-ground at the Secondary Technical School for Metallurgy in Kosice. This was officially opened last Wednesday, December 5th, during a grand assembly of the school's staff and pupils, which was also a good opportunity for the school to thank its friends and partners for their assistance and cooperation. Words of grateful acknowledgment for continuing helpfulness and support in carrying out many activities were addressed by School Principal Ladislav Makó to USSK President David H. Lohr and the whole Company.

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