
Highlights of 15/2005

Highlights of 15/2005

Meetings on occupational safety

On Monday and Tuesday of next week the Handball Hall at the All-Sports Area in Kosice will be the venue for a series of meetings whose main theme is to be occupational safety. Three meetings will be held each day, and all Company employees are expected to attend one of them.

President Navetta goes on meeting selected employees

U. S. Steel Kosice President Christopher Navetta is continuing this year too with the tradition of working lunches with selected Company employees. The first meeting took place on Tuesday of last week, April 6th, with ten workers from the Cold Strip Mill Division. The working lunch was also attended by Vice-president Operations Scott C. Pape, Vice-president Personnel and Organization Martin Pitorak, Strip Mills General Manager Ladislav Halaj and Added Value Products Operations Manager Lawrence P. Welsh.
The gathered guests were well pleased with the USSK President's very first words of welcome, as he thanked them for the outstanding results achieved by the Company in the first quarter of this year. Hard team work bears fruit, he said, and he stressed that these meetings with employees are for him one of the opportunities for exchanging experience and getting to know one another.

Trades union conference

Thursday of last week saw the holding of the Metalurg U. S. Steel Kosice Trades Union Council Conference. Joining Union officials and members in the discussions wasU. S. Steel Kosice President Christopher J. Navetta, who informed the participants about current developments in USSK.

EASYWAY - STOP SMOKING program starts in May

In May, just three weeks from now, eleven training sessions will be taking place as part of the Easyway - Stop Smoking project which is being implemented at U. S. Steel Kosice. The project organizers guarantee that on completing the course two thirds of the participants will give up smoking for good. The first course session takes place on May 3rd and the last on May 26th. Each session is intended for 22 people, and each one lasts a maximum of six hours, starting regularly at 1 pm.
Partipants will attend the sessions outside of working hours. Smokers can get places on the course already by applying to the Personnel Service staff. The filled-out application form itself serves as entitlement to join the course, the cost of which is reimbursed in full by the Company. Apart from willpower and free time, participants do not have to bring anything with them. If anyone needs further assistance after completing the course, the trainers will be prepared to help them by telephone or e-mail.

Forum for occupational safety experts

Under the auspices of the firm BE-soft, a.s. Kosice, the third edition of the annual specialist forum on occupational safety and health protection (OSHP) was held from April 6th - 8th at Jasna in Demanovska Valley. The main themes of the event were integrated management systems and education in the field of OSHP.
More than a hundred participants joined in the discussions on thses topics, including such personalities as Jaromir Elbel, Chairman of the Office for Occupational Safety in the Czech Republic, Emilia Kunova, State Counsellor at the Ministry for Employment, Social Affairs and the Family of the Slovak Republic, Ales Dudacek, Dean of the Faculty of Mining Engineering at the Ostrava College of Mining, and Ladislav Papik, Director of the international certification company SGS. Two employees of our Company also took part in this specialist forum: Martin Demcak, chief auditor for the OSHP management system, and Jaroslav Uram, section manager at the Work Safety and Hygiene unit.

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