
Good morning can be said in six ways

Good morning can be said in six ways

This week, another online event organized by the Women's Network (WIN) took place. Almost 300 participants learned interesting and practical story-based information about communication, word choice, voice intensity, but also body language.

For example, did you know that a question that begins with "Why?" can be replaced with a question that begins with "For what?". It's not just about "wordplay". It has a major impact on the fact that your question does not sound offensive, offensive or negative.

Voice dynamics, volume, melody and speed are also important. A common greeting to colleagues: "Good nano", can sound joyful, sad, angry, surprised, intimidated or even sarcastic.

Body language is also important in communication, thanks to which you can find out what your partner is thinking.

The lecturer was Tomáš Vepi, an expert in communication and body language. On social media, she helps thousands of people learn how to communicate better.

Are you interested in this topic and did not manage to register for the event? You can also watch and listen to this interesting lecture from the recording:
 U. S. Steel Women's Network (

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