
Gejza Kováč: adrenaline at work and on the motorcycle

Gejza Kováč: adrenaline at work and on the motorcycle

Gejza Kováč has been working in the ironworks since 1995. The last four years as a scheduler, in DZ Maintenance.

"I liked working in the ironworks from the beginning. I worked in various positions, as a foreman in water management, in the production of technical gases, as a technologist.  I enjoyed my work and I enjoy it also because it always brings something new. Sometimes we think we already know everything, but that's not the case.  There is always something that surprises... It is necessary to urgently solve some repair, new technologies are coming that you need to be able to apply," he says.

It actively participates in the repair of strategic production equipment, which also includes oxygen apparatus and distribution of technical gases and metallurgical aggregates.  Is this job very demanding?

"It is and could be dangerous. Let us remember the very sad year of 1995, when people's lives were extinguished due to a gas explosion. Since then, we have taken various security and technological measures to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. Of course, there is always a warning in the background, watch out, it's gas." 

He comes from the village of Rečica. Several people from this village worked in the ironworks, his brother also worked here, and his son is already working on the blast furnace, who pleased him when he followed in his footsteps. Therefore, his close family knows Gejza's work not only from his stories. And from the endless weekends or nights he spent unplanned in the ironworks. That is why they are happy that his superiors proposed him for an award by the Minister of Economy.

"In all his positions, he was able to captivate the entire team with his expertise, courage, helpfulness, eternal optimism and faith in success. Gejza's approach to work is a great asset to the operation, the plant and the entire U. S. Steel Košice," says Henrich Klajber, Director of the Maintenance Division.

"Of course, I am glad that I received the Award for Work Loyalty.  I also work with people who have already won this award and also appreciate it very much.  In 30 years, I have met many people in the company. I can only thank the elders who taught me a lot and also made me realize how important my work is. I had the opportunity to leave, they offered me a place elsewhere, I didn't take advantage of it. My colleagues congratulated me in advance, and so did my family.  They are proud of me, because they have seen for themselves that when it was necessary to stay at work longer or come over the weekend, I never said no.  They were always understanding and patient with me," said Gejza Kováč.

Gejza is a sporty person. He likes football, cycling, hiking. Probably his biggest hobby is traveling around Europe. On a motorcycle. When asked what his wife had to say about this hobby, he replied: "Wife? He's sitting behind me." They have already traveled through many countries together, with the furthest they were probably in Greece.



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