
First electric cars in the Company from December 2, 2021

First electric cars in the Company from December 2, 2021

One swallow may not make a summer, but we now have the first four swallows here, and what is more in the middle of winter.

Our Company has started using electric cars, some of the first made by Automobile Dacia in Romania. Initial experience suggests that electric cars can be used to excellent effect as operational vehicles. And since these cars are also made from steel, they additionally confirm what our colleagues Juraj Sabol and Michal Pintér says in their interview for Euractiv: steel itself will be required for reducing emissions in Europe. Read more in the article: We can contribute more than 50 percent to the goal of reducing emissions in Slovakia by 2030.

If the European Union wants to achieve its objective of reducing emissions by 55 percent compared to 1990 levels by the year 2030, this will obviously require the use of steel. Wind generators for instance need on average around 200 tons of steel per megawatt of capacity installed. In addition to renewable energy suppliers, many other sectors are going to need "green steel" for their decarbonization, for example the transport sector.

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