
Press release


Wishing tree

Author: Public Affairs

For the eighteenth time, through the corporate initiative Wishing tree, we will be able to make even completely unknown children happy during the most beautiful holidays of the year. Let us prepare boys and girls from the partner Children's Home of St. Clement Hofbauer in Podolínec, the Center for Children and Families in Uralská Košice and our colleagues in a difficult life situation, included in the project We are with you at the right time, have a nice Christmas.

After all, what is more beautiful than a bright baby face? We thank all metallurgists with a good heart who decide to please children's hearts. They can do so independently or collectives of employees of U. S. Steel Košice and its subsidiary can also assemble to buy a gift. This year, as last year, you can find virtual cards with the wishes of 145 children in the application X App Košice.

Place of delivery of gifts: USSK entrance area, Public Affairs building, 2nd floor

Timeframe: no later than 4 December


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