
Press release


There will be 11 families in the project We are with you at the right time 2024

Author: Iveta Falatová

One of the long-term projects of U. S. Steel Košice is the project We are with you at the right time. Its main idea is to help the families of steelworkers who, through no fault of their own, found themselves in a difficult life situation. Since 2013, the company has helped nearly 120 families. It wasn't just a financial contribution.  The families also highly praised the attention and help they received throughout the year.

They were invited to all corporate events, but also to various special activities and events that were intended only for them, where they had the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange experiences. Many of them became good friends during their participation in the project. We met the families who were in the project for the first time at the end of last year at a common Christmas dinner, at which the children were waiting for a rich variety of gifts. We spent a fun morning in February at Jahodná, during the USSK Winter Sports Games. We celebrated the arrival of summer in the USSK Centre in Medzev, where children enjoyed a rich accompanying program and everyone enjoyed specialties from the grill.

At the end of summer, we went for a walk around the early evening zoo, where not only children learned a lot of interesting facts about animals.  We will definitely meet the families from the We are with you at the right time 2023 project in the run-up to Christmas.

At the same time, we worked on selecting the families that will be in the project next year. We have received many suggestions and warnings from employees  about the difficult fate of some of your colleagues and we have also received documents from Human Resources with information about those who have suffered from health problems for a long time this year.

We have included the families of 11 colleagues in the project We are with you at the right time 2024. For the second year, the project will be continued by  the family of Zdeno Beneš, who works on the Dividing lines, Imrich Szilágyi from DZ Expedition and the family  of Michaela Vagaš, who was left alone with two beautiful, little boys. Newcomers to the project will be  the family of Peter Veliký, who works at the electrolytic tin plant, Peter Azari, who works on electrical maintenance of cranes of primary production, and  the family of Štefan Bobko, who works in DZ Koksovňa, as well as the family  of Ivan Tarnóci from the Protected Operation.

We have also invited the families of our colleagues to the project We are with you at the right time 2024, who left us forever and left behind wives and dependent children. It is  the family of Marek Zlacký and the family of Miroslav Vysokay.

The families of Erik Urban from  DZ Doprava and Gabriel Kurilka from DZ Teplá vlacovňa will also be in the project.


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