Press release
Summer activities for children from Luník IX

Author: -Fal-
U. S. Steel Košice supports the organization of daytime summer camps for children from the marginalized Roma community living in the Košice suburban estate known as Luník IX. These camps already have a several-year tradition, having started in 2009 thanks to the monks of the Salesian Order of Don Bosco, who have been active in this estate for 14 years now.
Peter Veselský explains: “These local summer camps are the culmination of long-term year-round activity with the children at Luník IX. Other children do not visit this estate, so only local children take part in these events. On the other hand, the activity organizers and volunteers at these camps come from all over Slovakia, from Bratislava to Humenné.“
The children looked forward most of all to the various excursions, because they meant that many of them got to visit places which are commonplace for others. Štrbské Pleso or Slovenský Raj, for example, are exceptional places for them, and many of them could see them for the first time this way. “The support from U. S. Steel Košice helps us a lot, because in these summer camps we’re dealing with children whose parents are hard up, and if we had to ask them to finance these activities themselves, most of them would not enroll their children in them. For this reason we thank you also on the children’s behalf for your support,“ says Peter Veselský.