

Oceľ východu ARCHIVE

The Oceľ východu (Steel of the East) internal newspaper has been published since 1960. The X-App Košice is a follower of this medium.

841-864 of 1057 results

Highlights of 08/2008

Potential savings exist, we have to find them On Tuesday of last week, February 12th, the planning meeting took place in the main lecture room in the Admin...

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Highlights of 07/2008

Costs-saving meeting yesterday There was a planning meeting in the main lecture room of USSK Admin Building yesterday, February 12th, attended by U. S....

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Highlights of 06/2008

They see everything happening in back of them Reversing sensors which send acoustic (and better versions also optical) signals about the distance of...

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Highlights of 05/2008

U. S. Steel Corporation and JFE Steel agree to exchange technical expertise United States Steel Corporation and JFE Steel Corporation announced that they...

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Highlights of 04/2008

There is never enough attention This stands also for the four cases that occurred in the company operations during first four weeks of this year. More...

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Highlights of 03/2008

CEZ and U. S. Steel Kosice want to build a power plant In the next few years the U. S. Steel Kosice works could become the site of a new electricity...

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Highlights of 02/2008

Cardinal rules for transport approved in voting by nearly 1300 employees From November 28th onwards, U. S. Steel Kosice employees had the chance to vote...

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Highlights of 01/2008

Year of success, safe work and health for all A few hundreds of U. S. Steel Kosice employees who were passing through the gatehouse No. 2 had opportunity...

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Highlights of 51/2007

Mechanika staff's gift to little oncology patients The bonus of 239 904 SKK for two million injury-free hours which the employees of Mechanika Division...

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Highlights of 50/2007

Capacity and quality of waste-water cleaning improved The neutralization station at the Cold Rolling Mill awaits official approval this week, which will be...

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Highlights of 49/2007

People's Ambassador is leaving Ambassador Rodolphe M. Vallee was real people's ambassador, met lot of people, villages and towns, talk to large number of...

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Highlights of 48/2007

We need qualified specialists Possibilities for studying at secondary schools and universities, extracurricular courses and pre-school education as well as...

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Highlights of 47/2007

President meets trades unionists Even though the trades unionists have regular meetings with Company management including the President of U. S. Steel...

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Highlights of 46/2007

International Ekotopfilm 2007 festival coming to Kosice The thirty-fourth international festival of films about sustainable development, Ekotopfilm 2007,...

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Highlights of 45/2007

Now we are testing the basic processes We have completed the ERP project Global Design Model The ERP project, is a project for the effective...

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Highlights of 44/2007

House of Quiet Agedness visited by great volunteer party Last Sunday, October 27th, the House of Quiet Agedness on Juzna trieda (South Drive) in Kosice was...

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Highlights of 43/2007

Families Do Sport Last Saturday the grounds of the Sports-Fun Area on Alejova Street in Kosice were full of people in good mood. Kosice steelmakers and...

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Highlights of 42/2007

Volunteers! Come to the House of Quiet Agedness at Juzna Trieda to help! Let´s finish what has been commenced! Do you remember the beginning of this...

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Highlights of 41/2007

Safety Video for October 2007 The metallurgical industry could not exist without fire - it would certainly not be possible to make any steel without it. On...

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Highlights of 40/2007

Members of USS Board of Directors in Kosice On the eve of the official opening of galvanizing line no. 3, the members of the U. S. Steel Board of Directors...

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Highlights of 39/2007

Today is our big day (pdf, 1.26 MB) Special edition dedicated to Grand opening of the new galvanizing line USSK opens new galvanizing line no.3 ...

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Highlights of 38/2007

Manual work replaced by automation Is U. S. Steel Kosice going to take on young "reinforcements"? That was one of the questions put to President David H....

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Highlights of 37/2007

Three steelmakers get Association award Last Friday, September 7th, Slovak miners, geologists, steelmakers and oilmen celebrated once again, one year on,...

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Highlights of 36/2007

Interview with Dave H. Lohr · What is the ERP project about and what are the benefits from your perspective? ERP is an abbreviation for The Enterprise...

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841-864 of 1057 results


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