50th Anniversary of Research & Development USSE
U. S. Steel Košice
October 8 - 9, 2018
It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the conference organized for the 50th-anniversary celebration of Research & Development USSE. The event will take place on 8 – 9 October 2018 at U. S. Steel Košice in the Slovak Republic. Recent achievements in research of steels and steel products will be presented by current and former researchers and specialists from Research & Development USSE to exchange their knowledge and experience gained over the years. Our business and academic partners are also cordially invited to discuss new trends in technologies and materials.
This conference is not a public event, and participation is possible by invitation only.

The conference will take place in the administrative building of the U. S. Steel in Košice.
Košice is the second largest city of Slovakia and is the political, economic and cultural center of Eastern Slovakia. Košice is also an important industrial center of Slovakia and home to U. S. Steel Košice, the largest employer in Eastern Slovakia.
The conference coincides with the International Peace Marathon (IPM), the oldest marathon in Europe and the second oldest marathon in the world organized in Košice since 1924. This year it takes place on October 7. We offer the possibility to participate in the event in the VIP zone arranged by U. S. Steel Košice. If you are interested in encouraging the runners and experiencing the atmosphere of this inspiring sporting event, please mark the particular square in the registration form.
Chair of the Conference
David Earle Hathaway Jr.
Vice President Engineering and Innovation -
Viera Kohúteková
General Manager Research and Development USSE

October 8, 2018
8:30 |
Registration of participants |
9:00 |
Opening the conference David E. Hathaway – Vice President of Engineering and Innovation U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. |
9:15 |
Opening Remarks – President of U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. |
9:30 |
Invited Lecture of prof. Ing. Stanislav Kmeť, CSc. – Rector of Technical University Košice |
9:50 |
Invited Lecture of prof. RNDr. Pavol Šajgalík, DrSc. – President of Slovak Academy of Sciences |
10:10 |
Invited Lecture of prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc. – ExPresident of Slovak Automotive Industry Association |
10:30 |
Coffee break |
10:40 |
Introduction of Research and Development USSE (V.Kohúteková, General Manager Research and Development USSE) |
11:00 |
Research of IF Steel Grades Production Technology Influence on Cleanliness (M. Molnár, Research and Development USSE) |
11:20 |
Research of Magnesia Carbon Refractory Corrosion (J.Bounziová, Research and Development USSE) |
11:40 |
Research of Coal Charge Densification at Coke Plant (Z.Kosnáčová Machajová, Research and Development USSE) |
12:00 |
Lunch break |
13:00 |
New Uncoated Steel Grades for Automotive (Ľ.Juhar, Research and Development USSE) |
13:20 |
New Hot Rolled Grades with Improved Utility Properties and for Specific Applications (V.Jurko, Research and Development USSE) |
13:40 |
The New Challenges of Automotive Industry in Research and Development of Commercial Galvanized AHSS (R.Gburík, Research and Development USSE) |
14:00 |
Perspective Anti-corrosion and Multifunctional Coatings from Production of U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. (F.Hollý, Research and Development USSE) |
14:20 |
Advanced Grades and Innovative Technologies of Dynamosheets Production in the U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. (M.Predmerský, Research and Development USSE) |
14:40 |
Coffee break |
14:55 |
New Trends in Production and Utilization of Steel for Packaging (D.Bogdan, Research and Development USSE) |
15:15 |
Technical Design in the Metallurgical Industry (P.Korytko, Research and |
15:35 |
Development of Analytical Methods of Surface and Subsurface Quality Evaluation (A.Mašlejová, Research and Development USSE) |
16:00 |
Closing the Conference 1st day |
18:00 |
Gala Dinner in restaurant Slávia for invited guests |
October 9, 2018
9:00 a.m. Plant tour / Research lab tour
Closing address by Chair of the Conference

U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Vstupný areál U. S. Steel
044 54 Košice
Slovak Repuplic
+421 55 673 2539 |
amaslejova |
U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Vstupný areál U. S. Steel
044 54 Košice
Slovak Republic
ID No.: 36 199 222
VAT ID: SK7020000119
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48.624314 N, 21.188045 E –
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