
Press release


Young steelmakers from Košice tackle worldwide competition

Author: -c-

To produce chrome-alloyed steel of the required quality as cheaply as possible in two consecutive processes: this was the task set in the 14th edition of the annual worldwide interactive competition called Steel Challenge. It took place on November 27 – 28 of this year, and the challenge was also taken on by four steelmakers from U. S. Steel Košice: Vojtech Vank from the Hot Rolling Mill, Igor Kosturák and Peter Molnár from R&D and Olívia Kačalová from Ecology. All of them are graduates from the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling at the Technical University of Košice. Altogether this interactive competition involved two thousand participants from all over the world, who carried out 74 000 simulations of steel production in an electric arc furnace and the related secondary metallurgy. As all four of our young colleagues agreed, taking part in such a demanding competition was a super experience.


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