
Press release


We have drawn the winners of the ERP Treasure Hunt competition

Author: ERP, Public Affairs

Who enjoyed a cooking class of Mexican specialties?

From July 4 to 19, 2023, the ERP Treasure Hunt competition took place. The competition was prepared by the Change Management ERP team for end users of information systems, which will be replaced by new SAP and PSI solutions.

The seven winners of the competition were drawn on July 20 by Eduard Grečner, the leader of the program, the regularity of the draw was supervised by Jana Darašová, leader for Change Management, and they are: Dana Kubenková, Gabriela Hakyová, Helena Ondejková, Anita Flašková Hozová, Jana Brunovská, Gabriela Adamová and Mária Marcinková.

Edo Grečner prepared an interesting prize for the winners, which was, in addition to a nice T-shirt with the ERP logo, a cooking course with an experienced chef František Sedlák. The winners were taught to cook delicious Mexican specialties.

"I would like to thank the girls from the Change Management ERP team, Lucia Bencková, Bibka Perátová and Janka Darašová for organizing the competition, which I believe fulfilled the purpose and in such a playful way contributed to raising awareness of the ERP program," concluded Edo Grečner. "I hope the winners were delighted. We will definitely continue such activities, because everyone's awareness and involvement is very important for the success of the program."



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