
Press release


USSK has been supporting talented students for more than 20 years

Author: Public Affairs

It will be twenty years since U. S. Steel Košice supports talented students in their studies at domestic and foreign colleges and universities within its Scholarship Program.

 Among them are not only young talented people from socially disadvantaged environment, but also successful children of employees of the Košice steel plant for the sixteenth year. Since the existence of this program, the company has provided a total of 458 scholarships until the 2022/2023 academic year. In many cases, young people reciprocate a helping hand in financing their studies by engaging in various charitable activities in their area of interest, but also at company events to support the community, including its volunteer days.

In the new academic year 2023/2024, which started only in recent days, a total of 28 students will receive a scholarship according to the applicable criteria, bringing the number of scholarships awarded  so far to 490. These include future computer scientists, electrical engineers, environmentalists, mechanical engineers and technologists.


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