Press release
USS Corporation President’s Award heads for Košice

Author: -fal-
Since 2012 the USS Corporation has been extending the President’s Award for Excellence in the field of safety. For the first time this Award has been won by U. S. Steel Košice. The first reactions after the announcement of the award were expressed by USSK General Manager Occupational Safety and Hygiene Róbert Meitner: “This is confirmation of what all of us are doing together in terms of OSH, starting with my team, then our managers, right through to our employees in the production operations. But this doesn’t mean that we’ve reached our goal and now we can rest on our laurels. Safety at work is a process which cannot slow, stop or end. Our efforts must go on and go further.” U. S. Steel Košice President Jim Bruno could not conceal his pride: “I’m very proud of all our employees. This kind of success can only be achieved by truly focusing on safety, and not just your own safety but also the safety of your colleagues working alongside you. I congratulate you all.”