
Press release


TOGETHER FOR THE REGION 2022 Program Accepts Applications

Author: Ľubomíra Šoltésová

U. S. Steel Košice steelmaking company, in cooperation with the Carpathian Foundation, has opened the 15th round of the Together for the Region grant program, which is designed to support local projects with active involvement of the region's inhabitants. Grants up to 3 000 euros can be awarded to non-profit organizations and municipalities in eastern Slovakia, in both Košice and Prešov regions, which actively involve employees of U. S. Steel Košice and its subsidiaries. The Program will support projects focusing on safety in all spheres of life, free-time activities for children and young people, as well as environmental activities and education.

A total amount of 30 000 euros will be distributed to implement beneficial ideas. The call with the program criteria, application form and all other obligatory attachments are publicly available on the websites of U. S. Steel Košice and the Carpathian Foundation, which as the program administrator provides consultations and formal checking of documents received.

The deadline for submission of applications is March 10, 2022.

“U. S. Steel Košice has always cared about the region in which it operates and where its employees live. They in particular can create additional added value by their involvement and work for various non-profit organizations, and through their volunteer activities. This combined energy of people can deliver visible changes for our region even with a small financial contribution,” says James Bruno, President of U. S. Steel Košice.

The Together for the Region program has so far supported 119 community projects with a total amount exceeding 294 400 euros. Last year, with support from grants, the Save Nature by Civas civic organization could better deal with illegal waste-dumps, safety at Turňa Castle was improved, a community relaxation area for local people, cyclists as well as tourists was created at Hýľov village, a new riding simulator was added at the Children´s Historical Railway, and other projects for children were implemented in Medzilaborce and Abránovce.


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