
Press release


They enjoyed hockey and club caps

Author: Magdaléna Fecurková

Yesterday's match between Košice and Nitrans in the Steel Arena did not turn out according to the wishes of the fans, but the opportunity to see the hockey duel with their own eyes and soak up the atmosphere by cheering the roaring stadium made the families of Košice steelmakers included in this year's project We are with you at the right time joyful. They were invited to the match at their first dating meeting in December by Elena Petrášková,  vice president for energy and general counsel.She fulfilled her promise on Sunday, January 21.

It's just a pity that not everyone could come. However, the Beneš family, the Szilágyi family, the Vagaš family, the Zlacký, the Urbans and the Kurilkos undoubtedly enjoyed the  reunion, which also included the vice president for production Marcel Novosad and his wife Viera. Also thanks to the project manager Iveta Falátová from the department of the Director for External Relations and the Women's Network, who organized it into a unit.

And while both units fought the ice under the watchful eye of the spectators, the families also came to greet the "local" - a member of the supervisory board of HC Košice Vladimír Kováč. And not empty-handed. He brought nice attention to everyone – a club cap and a scarf. As a gift, as a keepsake.

"We lost, what already. But the hockey was great, thank you," said Erik Urban.

"And that's how good it looked at the beginning,"  added others, including Michaela Vagaš,  referring to the first third when HC Košice led 1-0. Her sons, Theodore and Timon, seem to like sports. Their grandfather revealed that the elder Teodor already goes to play football, but he is also interested in hockey. In the end, it was also seen throughout the match. It was enough to look at him. In the auditorium, he also saw his teammate, with whom he communicated remotely.  Little Tobias Beneš was like sunshine all the time he spent in his new environment. A beautiful smiling and calm child won everyone's heart. "We wanted to come, so here we are with my son and our Eliana," said mum Adriana. "Tobiasko is still so smiling. He is not afraid of anyone, he is very lively, curious, perceptive, likes lights... Here he enjoyed it to the fullest." And his proud dad just added, "It's not the first time I'm at the Steel Arena when my son is big, we'll definitely go to hockey more often, but also to football."


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