Press release
They deserve our respect and gratitude
Author: -gab-
Among all the appraising and balancing of the year 2021, we must remember those who, in these difficult pandemic times and hurried, often impersonal world, do not think only of themselves and are not indifferent to other people's problems: blood donors. They literally give of themselves in order to preserve the health and save the lives of others.
Based on information from the Slovakian Red Cross, U. S. Steel Košice is one of the fundamental pillars supporting blood donations for hospitals working to save lives after injuries and surgical operations. This confirms the fact that our Company employs a large number of people with a noble attitude to life who contribute to the saving of human lives, knowing all the while that the only reward for their action is a good feeling about the gratitude of many anonymous beneficiaries and their families, as they return smiles to their faces without ever actually meeting them.
Our admiration and a great THANK YOU go to all those who decide to give blood, and in particular to the 70 steelmakers who have given blood more than 40 times each, including eleven who have so far given blood more than 100 times.