
Press release


They are trying on uniforms

Author: Iveta Falatová

Also this year, 9 employees of U. S. Steel Košice will be awarded at the ZHŤPG ceremony, which will take place on September 6, 2024 in Banská Štiavnica. All nine will receive the honorary badge of the Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic "For work loyalty".

The celebration is preceded by a number of preparations. One of them is the rehearsal of elegant metallurgical uniforms. The uniforms must fit like a glove, our future award-winning employees took part in the first rehearsal yesterday.

Tailor-made uniforms are sewn by a small tailoring company from Svidník.  In addition to metallurgical uniforms, mining and hunting uniforms also come out of her workshop.

In the picture is Renáta Drcová, who checks how the uniform "fits" Ivan Čurilla.


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