Press release
Steelmakers painted with artists
Author: USS Košice
Kosice, October 13, 2011 - Today sees the opening ceremony in the Kosice House of Art of the exhibition of visual works which came into being during the painters' plein-air session called
Steelmakers Paint with the Artists. The 5th edition in a row of this interesting event was held from August 28 to September 4, 2011 at the U. S. Steel Kosice (USSK) In-service
Training Center in Medzev. Professional artists together with talented USSK employees worked on artistic designs for the environmental problems. As many as 15 artists drew a quantity of
initiatives also from the iron and steel production process. The cooperation with sculptor Arpad Racko, and with artists Mikulas Lovacky, Janka Onuskova, Daniel Tatarka, Andrej Gore and
potter Igor Macak enabled the exchange of experience, and the amateur artists could obtain a wider artistic scope of knowledge.
During this plein-air, 70 works came into existence which will be offered at auction during the U. S. Steel Kosice Annual Ball, and the proceeds will be used for charity. From twelve
selected works, the USSK wall calendar will be created.
"I am pleased by the fact that so many talented employees work at our company. Our company backs their talent, and it is nice if the result of their talent contributes to the improvement
of the social situation of people who have to rely on our help, " said U. S. Steel Kosice Vice President Human Resources Martin Pitorak during the opening of the art
exhibition. The exhibition in the House of Art goes on till October 19, 2011.
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Further information:
Jan Baca
U. S. Steel Kosice, s.r.o.
Tel.: +421 55 673 4476
Fax: +421 55 673 0330