
Press release


Steel has become a dominant material

Author: -c-

Fifty years of research and development existence at U. S. Steel Košice was accentuated by the conference held in Košice on October 8 – 9 on company premises. The conference highlighted the importance of investments in applied research, the interconnection between science, university research and industry (which has also resulted in the latest achievements of research in the area of steel products), the development of a particular product mix, and new technology and technical design. We could  see in the auditorium academics from universities side by side with our key customers.

The conference was opened by U. S. Steel Košice President James Bruno, who stressed the importance of USSE research and development, especially in the development of new technologies, as well as in the continuous share of experience with our partners. “My experience from the USA confirms that talented people are the most important thing we need. The average age of people working in ope­rations has been increasing and it is not easy to hire young people. So it is important to cooperate with universities and vocational schools, and to support “more technically-based” young people,” said James Bruno in his opening speech.

 “We are happy that our cooperation with the universities and the Slovak Academy of Science again is starting to strive, “ said Vice-president Engineering and Innovation David Hathaway and he added “In the case of SAV, I stress that only a fully functional Academy can deliver for the Slovak industry what is expected. We strongly believe that in the near future, researchers need to be focused only on their work, that work being research. We are looking forward to even deeper cooperation.“


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