Press release
Protect yourself and your loved ones from grooming

Author: František Gregor
Protect yourself and your loved ones from grooming
One of the Cybersecurity lessons
Today we will explain how we can recognize a sexual predator on the Internet, how to determine rules of conduct on social networks, and how to set parental controls.
Grooming (cybergrooming) is the deliberate approaching of persons in order to establish sexual contact. The victims are mainly children and adolescents. Most of the time, the perpetrator will first build trust and then try to make contact. Adults use fake names, age, and other personal information to inspire confidence in children. It is a special form of sexual harassment that might lead to criminal acts, such as production of child pornography (§ 368 of Criminal Code) and sexual abuse (§ 201, § 201a, § 201b of Criminal Code).
Online predators are a danger hidden behind the door of a child's room
The Internet is a vast source of information for all of us. Most of us use the Internet possibilities with good intention. Unfortunately, there are people with bad, even sick intentions. Via the Internet online predators can get to their victim more easily, without the risk of identity revealing, even at a time when parents think the child is safe at home, in their room. In the past, predators used to look for their victims near schools or playgrounds. Today over the Internet and advanced technologies they can contact a minor almost anytime and anywhere.
Up to 22% of children received at least one message with sexual content. (Source:
Why is sharenting a risk?
Today social media walls are full of family photos thanks to which parents keep their precious memories and can show off to friends. Nevertheless, it is important to think ahead, because what is once online, stays online. As parents, we have a big responsibility, so let's play it safe and rather not share anything.